紹介 ( Profile )
氏名シメイ (name) ダニエル・アンドレジェスキ (Daniel Andrzejewski)
職名ショクメイ(job title) 講師 (lecturer)
  基礎英語 II A&B Listening/Oral Communication
  上級英語  Advanced Reading
担当科目 (current courses) 中級英語 Oral Communication
  Global Business 英会話 1
  中級英語 Speech Communication
担当科目についてのメッセージ I encourage active student participation and interaction with other students in pairwork and groupwork
as well as with the teacher.
My courses focus on developing language skills but more importantly critical thinking, as well as social and cultural background to help students become aware of the context they live in and will use the language in.
I am most encouraged when students think for themselves and ask challenging questions, and take ownership
of the language they are learning.
I keep my classes student-centered with the student being ultimately responsible for his or her learning.
研究分野 (research interests) Culture and Society, History, Transcultural/Multicultural issues
(recent publications PDF)  
学習用サイト・個人HP (websites)  
甲南大学 研究者総覧リンク  
(Konan faculty database)
コンタクト (contact information) mistera*center.konan-u.ac.jp (*を@に変更して下さい。)
動画 (video) Coming soon .