紹介 ( Profile )
氏名シメイ (name) トーマス・マック (Thomas MACH)
職名ショクメイ (job title) 准教授 (associate professor) 
  Advanced Global Topics
  Advanced Listening
担当科目 (current courses) Intermediate Speech Communication
  Intermediate Listening
  Elementary Oral Communication (Kiso 2B)
担当科目についてのメッセージ Our English curriculum is primarily skill-based, so the courses I teach reflect that. Oral and Speech courses differ from each other in that the Oral classes focus on conversation skills, while the Speech ones are centered on presentations. The Global Topics course is an exception to the skills-based approach. It is an integrated-skills, content-based course. The topics we study in this course include the effects of globalization, peak oil, consumerism, issues related to food culture, and how happiness is variously defined and achieved throughout the world.
  TESL methodology
研究分野 (research interests) Self-access learning and content-based instruction
  Cross-cultural perspectives on sustainable living
  1) America's resurgent food culture: Facets of a nascent relocalization movement. The Journal of the Institute for Language and Culture, 15, 23-37. (A Konan University journal.)
(recent publications)
2) Masanobu Fukuoka’s enduring influence on new agrarian movements abroad. The Journal of the Institute for Language and Culture, 13, 17-35. (A Konan University journal.)
  3) A study of the effects of digital interactivity on L2 vocabulary acquisition. The Journal of the Institute for Language and Culture, 10, 55-72. (A Konan University journal.)
学習用サイト・個人HP (websites) http://www.konan-u.ac.jp/hp/mach
甲南大学 研究者総覧リンク http://researchers.adm.konan-u.ac.jp/html/9_ja.html
(Konan faculty database)
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