Konan PsychLing

Welcome to Konan PsychLing!

甲南大学大学院 人文科学研究科 英語英米文学専攻 言語学/心理言語学研究室 (KonanPsychLing) は,理論言語学および心理言語学に特に注力しているラボです。



About us (Japanese)

実験研究の方法論として,容認性調査,自己ペース読文課題,視線計測など,統計手法としてt検定,分散分析,ロジスティック回帰,線形回帰,線形混合効果モデル分析など,ソフトウェアとして,R,PCIbex,Experiment Builderなどを学べます。

また,関西レキシコンプロジェクト(KLP)や関西心理言語学研究会(KCP) [link]といった研究会のネットワークを通して,関西圏の理論言語学・心理言語学研究のリソースへの寄与と研究活動の振興を目指しています。

修士課程および博士後期課程を完備しています。上記のような理論言語学・心理言語学の分野を学べるほか,様々な実験手法や統計分析の方法なども身につけることができます。言語学/心理言語学のコースは,「人文科学研究科 英語英米文学専攻」の一部となっています。専攻内で分野ごとに履修計画を立てられるので,言語学分野を研究する場合,文化・文学科目を履修する必要はありません。

1. 言語理論,特に統語論,音声学,音韻論および意味論の基礎知識を修得する。
2. 心理言語学の方法(実験計画・実験方法・統計分析)の基礎を学ぶ。
3. 英語で書かれた学術論文を正しく読めるようになる。
4. (少なくとも研究会や小規模学会,できれば全国規模学会で)研究発表を行えるようになる。
5. 指導教員の指導のもと,修士論文のプロジェクトを完遂する。

1. 独自のプロジェクトを立ち上げ,進めることができるようになる。
2. 全国規模の学会や国際学会で発表を行えるようになる。
3. 特に実験手法などについて後進に指導・アドバイスできるレベルになる。
4. 論文を学術誌などに投稿し,出版する。
5. 博士論文を完成させる。



ラボのヴァーチャルツアーについては→ こちらをご覧ください


Linguistics/Psycholinguistics Lab at the Department of English, Konan University (KonanPsychLing) is specialized in theoretical-linguistic and psycholinguistic studies in various languages, especially English, Japanese and Vietnamese.

We are accepting applications from qualified students in our master's and doctoral programs (Click here for an overview). For more information, feel free to contact Ken Nakatani from the Mail Form.

About us (English)
Konan University Linguistics/Psycholinguistics Lab (PsychLing) is comprised of linguistics/psycholinguistics graduate students and faculty members of the English Literature and Language program of the Graduate School of Humanities at Konan University (Kobe, Japan) (=> Japanese; English).

Our research interest ranges over various fields of theoretical and experimental linguistics including 1st and 2nd language acquisition, sentence processing, experimental phonetics and phonology, as well as theoretical syntax, lexical semantics, formal semantics, and pragmatics.

We welcome applications for our graduate program (master's and doctoral) from those who are interested in the above mentioned field. Click here for an overview.

Application schedule 2025-2026 (tentative)

Who are eligible? Application period Date of the interview
International students July 21--July 28, 2025 September 6, 2025
Domestic and international students July 24--July 31, 2025 September 6, 2025
Qualified Konan students September 19--September 26, 2025 October 11, 2025
Domestic and international students1 January 12--19, 2026 February 21, 2026
1 Applications from international students without residency status are not accepted during this period. International students need to obtain residency status need to file applications in July.

Those who are interested are encouraged to contact one of the faculty members for details.

Application documents in PDF will be available online from https://www.konan-u.ac.jp/exam/graduate/application/.

Applicants will be required to file the following. If you are interested in applying, it would be a good idea to be prepared in advance.


Scholarship for psycholinguistic research

We are awarding 200,000 JPY a year to grad students with outstanding academic achievements who are aiming for experimental psycholinguistic research. Applications for the 2025 scholarship are accepted from February 10 to March 8. Those eligible who are planning to apply are advised to download the following zip file including the relevant documents.

New publication

Ken has a new paper published as a book chapter.

This is a semantics paper critically examining the previous studies in 日本語学.
New presentation

Ken is presenting a poster at 日本言語学会 第169回大会, to be held at 北海道大学 on November 9, 10. The title is as follows:

New publication

Ken has a new publication. This 2nd edition of the hands-on handbook on experimental methods is drastically updated, with the addition of a few new chapters.

New presentation

Ken is giving a talk at the 40th annual meeting of Konan English Literary Society 2024. The title is as follows:

Scholarship for psycholinguistic research

We are starting a merit-based scholarship for psycholinguistic research: 甲南大学大学院 人文科学研究科英語英米文学専攻 心理言語学研究奨励金. We are awarding 200,000 JPY a year to grad students with outstanding academic achievements who are aiming for experimental psycholinguistic research. Applications for the 2024 scholarship are accepted from February 26 to March 9. Those eligible who are planning to apply are advised to download the following zip file including the relevant documents.


We are hosting an international workshop devoted to sentence processing, to be held on January 6 and 7, 2024.

KCP International Workshop

JR神戸線 住吉駅 または阪急 神戸線 御影駅より徒歩10分

Invited speakers:
Hannah Rohde, University of Edinburgh
Douglas Roland, University of Tokyo


--January 6th, Saturday
13:00- Registration open
13:25-13:30 Opening remarks
13:30-14:10 Hajime Ono (Tsuda University)
"The role of resumptive pronouns in Tongan relative clause processing."
14:10-14:50 Douglas Roland (U Tokyo) [Invited talk]
"Prediction as a consequence of integration"
15:00-15:40 Kentaro Nakatani (Konan U)
"Processing negative-sensitive elements in Japanese"
15:40-16:20 Shinnosuke Isono (U Tokyo)
"Towards a universal theory of locality effects in comprehension"
16:30-17:30 Hannah Rohde (U Edinburgh) [Invited talk]
"Discourse dependencies: Raising and answering questions in discourse"

--January 7th, Sunday
10:30-11:10 Mikihiro Tanaka (Konan Women U)
"Mapping concept onto syntax in sentence production: Evidence from coercion and metonymy"
11:10-11:50 Yoko Nakano (Kwansei Gakuin U)
"Mechanisms for producing inflectional verb forms in L1 and L2 Japanese"
13:00-13:40 Rei Emura (Tohoku U)
"Lingering misinterpretations of Japanese garden-path sentences"
13:40-14:20 Ken Nakatani & Shoko Shida (Konan U)
"Affectedness, awareness and re-mention in a maze"
14:20-15:00 Franklin Chang & Tomoko Tatsumi (Kobe City U of Foreign Studies)
"My mouth is lonely: Processing of the emotions of inanimate objects"
15:00-15:40 Masataka Yano (Tokyo Metropolitan U)
"Processing of null subjects in Japanese"
16:00-17:00 Hannah Rohde (U Edinburgh) [Invited talk]
"Informativity in cooperative communication"

There's no registration fee. Anybody is welcome to join us!

New publication

Ken has a new publication.

Glad to see this published because this represents one of my central concerns.

New presentation

Ken is presenting a poster at 日本言語学会 第167回大会, to be held at 同志社大学京田辺キャンパス on November 11, 12. The title is as follows:

New publication and presentation

Miki and Ken has a proceedings paper published. This is a new study developed from the presentation at 甲南英文学会 incorporating the comments from the audience.

The oral presentation of the paper will be given at IEICE Technical Committee on Thought and Language (TL) (電子情報通信学会 思考と言語研究会 (TL)), to be held at 東京大学駒場キャンパス on September 30 and October 1.

Konan English Literary Society 2023

The annual meeting will be held on July 1 [link], and there will be two talks from the PsychLing lab:

This year's invited talk will be given by Yohei Oseki of the University of Tokyo!

New publication

Ken has a new publication in Glossa. It took almost 10 years to finish up this paper.

New publications

Nigel has three publications on syntax and Vietnamese:

New presentation

Miki Ishihara, an undergrad who is joining our grad program, is going to present at 言語学フェス this Saturday. Nice work!

New presentation

Ken is going to give a talk at a symposium of the 75th meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan:

New publication

Nigel has a new publication:

New publication

Ken has a book review published in JJL:

Paper accepted (IICE 2023)

An abstract by Nigel with Ayumi Matsuo and Trang Phan to 2023 Hawaii International Conference on Education has been accepted for presentation.

New publications

Nigel has two publication on Vietnamese:

Grad school application schedule

The application schedule for our grad school is (belatedly, finally) officially issued. The pdf version of the brochure should be available on line soon from https://www.konan-u.ac.jp/exam/graduate/application/.

There is a major change in the application/admission procedure:

The schedule is as follows:

Application period Date of the interview
1 July 25th--August 1st, 2022 September 3rd, 2022
January 11th--18th, 2023 February 18th, 2023
1 Applications from international students without residency status are accepted only during this period.

Those who are interested are encouraged to contact one of the faculty members for details.

New presentation

Ken is joining a workhop at the 164th meeting of Linguistic Society of Japan as a commentator, on June 19, 2022.

New presentations

Kenta and Ken presented at 言語学フェス2022 on January 29, an informal online linguistics gathering. It was fun!

New publication

Ken has a new publication an edited book intended to be a textbook.

This one seems to be an interesting textbook, devoted to the interface issues.

New publication

Nigel has yet another new publication on Vietnamese!

New publication

Nigel has a new publication on Vietnamese.

New presentation

Nigel has three future and past presentations. Nice work!

New presentation

Ken was invited to present at International Symposium on Issues in Japanese Psycholinguistics from Comparative Perspectives, on September 11 and 12, 2021. This is a symposium jointly organized by The Field-based Approaches to Language, Cognition, and Human Nature (FALCOHN) Project and NINJAL.

New publication

Andy has a new publication!

Also, below is the list of Andy's recent publications:

New publication

Ken has contributed an article to a Festschrift for Takane Ito.

New publication

Ken has contributed some entries including "言語産出", "言語能力", "言語理解", "統語解析", "統語論", "普遍文法", and (gasp) "文法" to the new "有斐閣 現代心理学辞典". It was pretty difficult to define "文法" in 1000 letters...


Faculty members:

Nigel G. Duffield, Ph.D. (University of Southern California)
Syntax, language and cognition, L1 and L2 acquisition, Vietnamese syntax
>> CV/publications

Akitoshi Fukushima, M.A. (Konan University)
Phonetics, prosody
>> CV/publications

Kentaro Nakatani, Ph.D. (Harvard University)
Sentence processing, lexical semantics
Co-organizer of Kansai Circle of Psycholinguistics (KCP)
>> CV/publications

Andrew T. Martin, Ph.D. (UCLA)
Phonology, language acquisition
>> CV/publications

Internal mailing list:

Grad students and faculty members only

Past news

New presentation

Ken will present his collaborative work with Satoshi Nambu (Monash University) at MAPLL 2020!

Paper published / New presentation

A new publication and an upcoming presentation from Nigel.

Paper published

A new publication from Shoko!

Congrats, Shoko!

Paper published

A new publication from Nigel!

New presentations

Here's the list of past and future presentations by Nigel since the last update!

Paper published

Ken has contributed a chapter to a Festschrift for Hideki Kishimoto, 統語構造と語彙の多角的研究. The title of the chapter is as follows:

Paper published

Ken and Shoko have contributed a chapter to Hideki Kishimoto's new edited book レキシコンの現代理論とその応用, which has just been published. The title is as follows:

This is basically a published version of our 2018 talk at LSJ; this also includes a portion of the talk I gave at ELSJ this month.

Invited talk at the English Linguistics Society of Japan

Ken has been invited to give a talk at the 37th Annual Conference of the English Linguistics Society of Japan, to be held at Kwansei Gakuin University, November 9-10, 2019. The talk itself will be on the first day (9th). The title is as follows:

Well, the title is big, the actual talk will be small, but please come anyway!

New edited book published

The book on Vietnamese linguistics edited by Nigel that has been announced earlier this year has been finally published!

Congrats, Nigel!

Paper published

An article by Nigel has been published on Liliane Haegemen’s Webschrift, Mapping Linguistic Data: Essays in honour of Liliane Haegeman (Link). The title of the paper is as follows:

New edited book published

A textbook on experimental methods edited by Ken has been published and now available in stores!

Natsuno also has contributed a chapter. Check it out!

Poster accepted (AMLaP 2019)

An abstract by Natsuno Aoki submitted to Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing 2019 (AMLaP 2019), to be held at Digital business space, Moscow, Russia, Septermber 6-8, 2019, has been accepted for a poster presentation. Congratulations, Natsuno! The title is as follows:

Konan English Literary Society 2019

The annual meeting will be held on July 6 [link], and there will be one tutorial and one talk from the PsychLing lab:

Two papers accepted (MAPLL-TCP-TL)

There will be a MAPLL-TCP-TL(*) 2019 workshop held at Konan this July, and two papers from our department have been accepted for oral presentations.

(*Mental Architecture of Processing and Learning of Language / Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics / Technical Committee on Thought and Language)

This will be an exciting event, especially because there will be invited talks by two distinguished scholars, Colin Phillips and Matt Wagers.

MAPLL-TCP-TL 2019 website

And congratulations on all of you who are presenting!

New edited book accepted for publication

The publication proposal of the book on Vietnamese linguistics Nigel is editing has been accepted for publication by John Benjamins. The prospective title of the book is as follows:

It will probably take a little more while before it actually comes out, but congratulations anyways on your great work, Nigel!

KLP April 20

Natsuno will be presenting at the next KLP meeting (April 20). The title of the talk is as follows:

Doctoral degree awarded

Natsuno has been awarded a doctoral degree. Contratulations!!!!

Paper published

Nigel Duffield has published two articles:

Nigel is also currently editing a book on Vietnamese linguistics. We'll announce it when it comes out!

KCP October 27, 2018

Ken Nakatani and Shoko Shida are giving a practice talk at the next KCP meeting for the upcoming LSJ meeting. Mano Miho from KLP is also joining us as a speaker. Please come! See the website for detail.

Conference talks

Nigel Duffield is going to give three talks at three conferences:

Kudos to the great job!

Paper accepted (The Linguistic Society of Japan)

An abstract by Ken Nakatani and Shoko Shida submitted to the Linguistic Society of Japan (日本言語学会) for its 157th meeting, November 17-18, 2018, at Kyoto University, has been accepted for a paper presentation. The title is as follows:

It's sort of a preliminary study, but it is a new direction for me, so I'm glad it's been accepted.

Konan English Literary Society 2018

The annual meeting is held on September 15 [link], and there will be 2 talks from the PsychLing lab:

Looking forward to them!

Poster accepted (LSJ Summer Institute)

I heard that Natsuno’s oral presentation at the 10th International Conference on Construction Grammar in Paris was successful. Good job, Natsuno!

Here’s another thing: An abstract by Shoko Shida, which is a joint work with Natsuno Aoki and me, for a poster presentation at the LSJapan Summer Institute to be held at 東京外大, has been accepted. The title is as follows:

This is a small follow-up study to Shoko's oral presentation at the 154th LSJ meeting. Congrats on your nice job, Shoko!

LSJ Summer Institute

Ken Nakatani is giving a series of lectures on psycholinguistics at LSJ Summer Institute. Independently of my contribution, LSJ Summer Institute (originally inspired by LSA Summer Institute) is an excellent opportunity to get to know about various topics in linguistics in a short period of time, as well as to know fellow grad students from other universities.

LSJ Summer Institute is accepting applications until July 20. See the website for details: https://sites.google.com/view/lsj2018/home

Post-doc joining Konan PychLing

Santa Vinerte (University of Ottawa) has been awarded a two-year post-doctoral fellowship from NSERC(Canada)-JSPS to study cognitive control in Japanese-English bilinguals, under Nigel's supervision.

Welcome, Santa!

Paper accepted (International Conference on Construction Grammar)

An abstract by Natsuno Aoki submitted to the 10th International Conference on Construction Grammar has been accepted for a paper presentation. The title is as follows:

Good job, Natsuno!

Book published!

A book by Nigel Duffield has finally been published! The book is entitled Reflections on Psycholinguistic Theories: Raiding the Inarticulate, published by Cambridge University Press.

Available in stores including Amazon. Kindle version is also available. Check this out!

Kansai Linguistic Society (KLS43) will be held at Konan

The 43rd annual meeting of Kansai Linguistic Society (KLS43) will be held at Konan on June 9-10. Abstract submission is now being invited (deadline: February 28). Hope to see you all there!

See the following link for details: KLS43

KLP January 20

Natsuno and Shoko will be presenting at the next KLP meeting (January 20). The titles of the talks will be as follows:

Poster accepted (16th Annual Hawaii Conference on Education)

An abstract by Nigel Duffield submitted to the 16th Annual Hawaii Conference on Education, ESL section, January 4-7, 2018, has been accepted for a poster presentation. Congratulations, Nigel! The title is as follows:

The poster will also be posted on the wall of the department.

By the way, Natsuno's latest poster is also on the wall now.

KCP October 7, 2017

Ken Nakatani is giving a practice talk at the next KCP meeting for his Hawai'i workshop paper. See the website for detail.

Paper accepted (The Linguistic Society of Japan)

An abstract by Shoko Shida and Ken Nakatani submitted to the Linguistic Society of Japan (日本言語学会) for its 155th meeting, November 25-26, 2017, at Ritsumeikan University, has been accepted for a paper presentation. The title is as follows:

Good job, Shoko!

Paper to be published soon (JEAL)

Nigel Duffield has a paper entitled "On what projects in Vietnamese" accepted by Journal of East Asian Linguistics [link]. It's coming out later this month. Congrats!

Poster accepted (LingBaW 2017)

An abstract by Natsuno Aoki submitted to Linguistics Beyond And Within 2017 (LingBaW 2017), International Linguistics Conference in Lublin, October 18-19, 2017, to be held at John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland, has been accepted for a poster presentation. Congratulations, Natsuno! The title is as follows:

Paper accepted (EAP2017)

An abstract by Ken Nakatani submitted to East Asian psycholinguistics: Recent developments, a satellite workshop of Japanese/Korean Linguistics 25, October 15, 2017, to be held at University of Hawai'i, Manoa, has been accepted for a paper presentation. The title is as follows:

Paper accepted (MLF2017)

An abstract by Ken Nakatani submitted to Morphology and Lexicon Forum (MLF) for its 2017 meeting (MLF2017), September 10, 2017, to be held at Konan University, has been accepted for a paper presentation. The title is as follows:

Morphology & Lexicon Forum 2017 (MLF2017) will be held at Konan

Morphology & Lexicon Forum 2017 will be held at Konan on September 9-10. Abstract submission is still being invited (deadline: July 24). Hope to see you all there!

See the following link for details: MLF 2017

KLP July 9

Shoko and Natsuno will be presenting at the next KLP meeting (July 9). The talk is entitled "日本語のsemelfactive事象とアスペクト計算について––自己ペース読文課題の結果から".

Konan English Literary Society 2017

The annual meeting is held on July 8 [link], and there will be 2 talks from the PsychLing lab:

Nigel's talk will be on his forthcoming book, Reflections on Psycholinguistic Theories: Raiding the Inarticulate.

Update: Conference presentations to come

Programs and details have been uploaded for the conferences where members from the Konan PsychLing lab are presenting their work. Here are the relevant links:

Companion website for Nigel's forthcoming book

The companion website for Nigel Duffield's forthcoming book is now up and running! The book is entitled Reflections on Psycholinguistic Theories: Raiding the Inarticulate, and will be published by Cambridge University Press later this year. Check this out!

Paper accepted (The Linguistic Society of Japan)

An abstract by Shoko Shida, Natsuno Aoki and Kentaro Nakatani submitted to the Linguistic Society of Japan (日本言語学会) for its 154th meeting, June 24-25, 2017, at Tokyo Metropolitan University, has been accepted for a paper presentation. The title is as follows:

Shoko Shida, Natsuno Aoki and Kentaro Nakatani "When an onomatopoeia triggers different semelfactive interpretations: An experimental study"

Good job, Shoko and Natsuno!

Workshop at KLS

In order to stimulate the interest in psycholinguistic research in the Kansai area, people from KCP (Kansai Circle of Psycholinguistics) including Ken Nakatani and Natsuno Aoki are holding a workshop at the 42nd annual meeting of Kansai Linguistic Society (KLS42: June 10-11, 2017, at Kyoto University; this workshop will be on June 10):


This will be a hands-on tutorial on how to run experiments on your PC. The intended audience is those who are interested in linguistic experiments, but have not conducted any. Hope to see many people there! 

Paper accepted (Modern English Association)

An abstract by Takuya Inui submitted to Modern English Association (近代英語協会) for its 34th annual meeting, June 24, 2017, at Aoyama Gakuin University has been accepted for a paper presentation. The title is as follows:

乾拓也「後期近代英語期における動詞移動について-Haeberli and Ihsane(2016)の議論を中心に-」

Congrats, Takuya!

Colloquium talk at National Tsing Hua University, March 8

Nigel Duffield will be giving an invited colloquium talk on Vietnamese syntax and semantics at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan on 8th March. The talk is entitled "Right where it belongs? On multifunctionality, projection and (covert) movement in Vietnamese".

KLP February 5

Natsuno Aoki will be presenting at the next KLP meeting (Feb 5). The talk is entitled "弾当て代換におけるヲ格選択の可能性について-同延的使役とperspective shiftの観点から-".

Paper out in the proceedings (CogALex-V 2016)

The paper for a poster presentation at a COLING workshop, CogALex-V 2016, by Natsuno Aoki and Ken Nakatani entitled " A Study of the Bump Alternation in Japanese from the Perspective of Extended/Onset Causation" has been published in the proceedings.

Grant awarded

A joint project of Natsuno Aoki and Shoko Shida (with K. Matsuo a doctoral student from the Human Sciences program) has been awarded a grant in the amount of 200,000 yen from Konan Research Institute (甲南大学総合研究所). The title of the project is as follows:

「日英語動詞の比較にもとづく、アスペクト分類におけるsemelfactive 動詞の位置付けの再検討」


Poster accepted (CogALex 2016, a COLING workshop)

An abstract by Natsuno Aoki and Ken Nakatani entitled " A Study of the Bump Alternation in Japanese from the Perspective of Extended/Onset Causation" (an extension of the previous Konan ELS presentation), submitted to a COLING workshop, "Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex-V)" (https://sites.google.com/site/cogalex2016/home) has been accepted for a poster presentation. Congrats, Natsuno!

Paper published (Cognition)

Andy Martin has published a research article entitled "Utterances in infant-directed speech are shorter, not slower", as the first author, in Cognition [link]. Congrats!

Konan English Literary Society 2016

The annual meeting is held on Sep 17 [link], and there will be 2 talks from the PsychLing lab:

Professor Takao Gunji at Konan English Literary Society 2016

Konan English Literary Society is pleased to announce that Professor Takao Gunji has accepted to be a keynote speaker at the annual meeting this year [link]. The keynote talk is open to non-members. All are welcome!


Nigel Duffield is presenting at PacSLRF 2016, held at Chuo University, Sep.9-11 [link]. The talk is entitled "Seeing Names, Hearing Faces: A Crossmodal Investigation of Perceptual Narrowing in Second Language Learners".

KCP July 16, 2016

Nigel Duffield is presenting at the next KCP meeting (July 16). The talk is entitled "Are second language learners really narrow-minded? Investigating the ‘Other Race effect’". See the website for detail.

KLP June 6, 2016

Ken Nakatani will be presenting at the next KLP meeting (June 6). The talk is entitled "Incremental pragmatics: A case of auxiliary selection in the processing of Japanese benefactive constructions".

KCP May 28, 2016

Ken Nakatani will be presenting at the next KCP meeting (May 28). The talk is entitled "What does it mean to be local? Rethinking locality effects in the processing of various dependencies in Japanese". See the website for detail.

Book publications / contributions by the PsychLing lab

レキシコン研究の新視点 ―統語・語用と語の意味の関わり― 単行本(ソフトカバー) – 2024/10/28 岸本 秀樹 (編集), 日高 俊夫 (編集), 工藤 和也 (編集)

パソコンがあればできる! ことばの実験研究の方法 第2版-—容認性調査、読文・産出実験からコーパスまで(ソフトカバー) – 2024/5/31 中谷健太郎 (編)

The Place of Case in Grammar (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics) – 2024/7/15 Christina Sevdali (編集), Dionysios Mertyris

The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition, Morphosyntax, and Semantics (The Routledge Handbooks in Second Language Acquisition) – 2024/3/11 Tania Ionin (編集), Silvina Montrul (編集), Roumyana Slabakova (編集)

Issues in Japanese Psycholinguistics from Comparative Perspectives, Volume 2 Interaction Between Linguistic and Nonlinguistic Factors - 2023/12/4 Ed by: Masatoshi Koizumi

The Routledge Handbook of Asian Linguistics – 2022/7/28 Chris Shei (編集), Saihong Li (編集)

統語論と言語学諸分野とのインター フェイス (言語のインターフェイス・分野別シリーズ 第1巻) 単行本(ソフトカバー) – 2021/11/22 中村 浩一郎 (編集)

言語研究の楽しさと楽しみ - 伊藤たかね先生退職記念論文集 - 単行本(ソフトカバー) – 2021/3/18 岡部 玲子 (編集), 矢島 純 (編集), 窪田 悠介 (編集), 磯野 達也 (編集)

有斐閣 現代心理学辞典 単行本 – 2021/2/26 子安 増生 (監修), 丹野 義彦 (監修), 箱田 裕司 (監修)

名詞をめぐる諸問題 -語形成・意味・構文- – 2020/10/26 由本 陽子 (編集), 岸本 秀樹 (編集)

統語構造と語彙の多角的研究 ―岸本秀樹教授還暦記念論文集― – 2020/3/27 于一楽, 江口清子, 木戸康人, 眞野美穂(編集)

レキシコンの現代理論とその応用 単行本 – 2019/11/27 岸本 秀樹 (編集)

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Vietnamese Linguistics (Studies in Language Companion Series) – 2019/10/9 Nigel Duffield et al. (eds)

パソコンがあればできる! ことばの実験研究の方法—容認性調査、読文・産出実験からコーパスまで(ソフトカバー) – 2019/8/1 中谷健太郎 (編)

Reflections on Psycholinguistic Theories: Raiding the Inarticulate – 2018/1/31 Nigel Duffield

Predicate Concatenation: A Study of the V-te V Predicate in Japanese (Studies in Japanese Linguistics 12) ー2013/3/29 Kentaro Nakatani

ここから始める言語学プラス統計分析 (クロスセクショナル統計シリーズ) – 2016/4/23 小泉 政利 (編)

日英対照 形容詞・副詞の意味と構文 – 2009/3 影山 太郎 (編)

Handbook of Japanese Lexicon and Word Formation (Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics)– 2016/1/29 Taro Kageyama, Hideki Kishimoto (eds.)

Advances in Biolinguistics: The Human Language Faculty and Its Biological Basis – 2016/3/3 Koji Fujita, Cedric A. Boeckx (eds.)

英語学を学ぼう: 英語学の知見を英語学習に活かす (開拓社言語・文化選書) 単行本 – 2017/10/20 高橋勝忠

発話の解釈はなぜ多様なのか: ─コミュニケーション能力の働きを考える─ (シリーズ“言語表現とコミュニケーション”) – 2017/3/21 中島信夫(編)

語彙意味論の新たな可能性を探って– 2015/11/28 由本 陽子, 小野 尚之 (編集)

Japanese / Korean Linguistics Volume 22 – 2015/3/15 Mikio Giriko et al. (eds.)

Studies in language sciences volume 13 – 2015/3 Japanese Society for Language Sciences (ed.)

語用論 (朝倉日英対照言語学シリーズ) – 2012/8 中島 信夫 (編)

The Blackwell Companion to Phonology (Blackwell Companions to Linguistics) (5-Volume Set) 2011/3/18 Marc van Oostendorp et al. (eds.)

レキシコンフォーラム No.4 – 2008/9/10 影山 太郎 (編)

結果構文研究の新視点– 2007/10 小野 尚之 (編集)

Empirical and theoretical investigations into language – 2004/1 Shuji Chiba et al. (eds.)

Japanese/Korean Linguistics Volume 12 – 2003/6 William McClure (ed.)

Particles and Projections in Irish Syntax - 1995/8/31 By Nigel Duffield

英語統語論 – 1993/4 有村 兼彬

学校英文法と科学英文法 – 1993/1 枡矢 好弘, 福田 稔