紀要 「言語と文化」

The journal of the Institute Language and Culture


Life Histories of Japanese Canadian ‘Deportees’: A Father and Son Case Study Stanley KIRK
Language Learning Beliefs (Sprachlern-Auffassungen) der mit kommunikativen Lehrwerken Deutschlernenden – eine qualitative Studie mit der Methode der Datenanalyse SCAT
藤原 三枝子
Planung des handlungsorientierten Deutschunterrichts durch Rückwärtsplanung
野村 幸宏
À la découverte du Japon - quelques réflexions sur le Japon vu par des intellectuels français - Didier CHICHE
Adults in Japan-Korea Society: A Study of the chronology of the Coming of Age ceremony
金 泰虎
The Unagi-Sentence as the Prototype of Japanese Nominal Sentences, and Noun-Concluding Construction Sentences
谷守 正寛
Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) and Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT): A Defence and a Critique Tim DOWLING
Uncovering and challenging student worldviews through the study of world religions "Daniel ANDRZEJEWSKI"
"The Development and Validation of the Self-Regulated
Learning in Listening Questionnaire"
香林 綾子
The Effects of a Limited Extensive Reading Program ハーバート 久代
Lesson Plan for Reading Class Which Aims to Connect with the Community : Proctkcal Report of the Reading Class Using “Moonlight Shadow” Written by Banana Yoshimoto and its Improvement Plan
森川 結花
"第41回言語教授法・カリキュラム開発研究会 全体研究会「先輩から学ぼう:留学成功への道・外国語検定試験攻略」"
"Summer Symposium Report:Let's Learn from Konan Students - Roads to Success in Studying Abroad and Strategic Preparations for Foreign Language Proficiency Tests -"
"第42回言語教授法・カリキュラム開発研究会 全体研究会「グローバル時代の文化理解」"
"Autumn Symposium Report:Cultural Understanding in the Age of Globalization"