Training students to become future leaders in the business world by guiding them to a deeper understanding of evolving socio-economic conditions.

The Department of Economics strives to teach  ideal behaviors for economic agents such as households, corporations and the government to make full use of humans , objects, money and information so that rational decisions can be made. Both microeconomics and macroeconomics theories are applied in the analysis of problemswith the aim of discovering efficient solutions. Through studying economic theories, students will learn to apply an economic approach to organizational, policy and institutional level problems. Moreover, through the study of how the values and  structures of a certain society or era have been established and how these  influence people's lifestyles and economic systems, students will develop a  logical understanding of how society functions as well as how the economy interacts with the social system.

With regard to the curriculum, first-year students take several classes in small groups in order to obtain a thorough grasp of fundamental principles. For example, first-year students are required to take interactive classes such as Basic Seminar, and Elementary Microeconomics and Macroeconomics where students learn basic tools for economic analysis, as well as Economics in English. Students then join a seminar group in their sophomore year, where they can attain both a wide-ranging knowledge of economics and the intellectual skills needed for successful participation in society through multiple presentations and discussions. The department has introduced a US-style tutor system in which students get to learn from more senior students who have already mastered subjects, and has also developed self- access materials utilizing IT. In addition, the department provides a supportive environment where even first-year students can study at their own pace while they master the foundations of economics.

Furthermore, the Department of Economics is offering new styles of instruction such as long-distance learning using advanced IT and lectures by invited IT experts on  currenttopics.

Faculty member

Name Title Field of Research Subject of Research
ADACHI, Yoshimi Professor Public Finance Studies of Social Security policy and Tax system.
ISHIKAWA, Noriko Professor Regional Economics Empirical analysis of regional inequality.
ISHIDA, Isao Professor Econometrics, Financial Time Series, Empirical Finance Study of the financial econometrics and its application to the empirical analysis of financial market data.
EHIRO, Akira Professor Public Finance Analysis of Debt Policy in Japan.
OKADA, Motohiro Professor History of Political Economy Critical Study on the History of Labor Theory.
OKUDA, Takashi Professor History of Socio-Economic Thought Studies on the Mediterranean Tradition of Socio-Economic Thought with special regard to the Neapolitan Enlightenment.
OSANO, Hiroshi Specially Appointed Professor Applied Microeconomics
Corporate Finance
Information theory, Corporate finance, Corporate governance.
OGISU, Yoshitaka Lecturer Macroeconomics, Network Science Inequality in Macroeconomy
KAGITANI, Koichi Professor International Trade, Trade Policy Analysis of international trade issues from political economy perspectives
KO, Yong-Soo Professor Asian Economy Studies of the corporate and financial sectors in Asian countries.
KOYAMA, Naoki Professor Statistics Empirical studies of environmental policy, Environmental-Economic planning, Policy Institutions.
TERAO, Takeru Professor Macroeconomic Theory Mathematical Foundations of Macroeconomic Theory.
NAKAGAWA, Shintarou Professor Public Economics Theoretical analysis of public goods provision.
HAYASHI, Kenta Associate Professor Network Economics Theoretical study of Internet access charge.
HAYASHI, Ryosuke Professor Public policy Studies on design and implementation of public policy.
HIRAI, Kensuke Professor Economic History Studies on the modern east Asian economy and the Japanese colonial economy.
MIYAKAWA, Toshiji Professor Microeconomics Studies on bargaining game theory and mechanism design
MIYAMOTO, Mai Lecturer Environmental Economics Empirical studies in the field of Environmental Economics using patent data.
MURASAWA, Yasutomo Professor Applied Econometrics Business cycle measurement
MORI, Takeshi Professor Income Distribution, Health Economics, Behavioral Economics Analysis of economic inequality in Japan today correspondent with the change of family structure.
MORIMOTO, Yu Associate Professor Transportation Economics Airport management, Aviation policy, Airline network structure.