
This is a course about intercultural understanding and it is taught MOSTLY IN ENGLISH. In this class, we will learn more about other cultures, Japanese culture, and about ourselves. You will also improve your English ability because our class integrates and strengthens all English skills through a variety of content-based academic activities. 
In this course, you will:
*read short passages and watch short videos that introduce various aspects of intercultural understanding and intercultural communication skills
*practice participating in pairs and small groups to discuss class content in English
*practice expressing ideas and opinions using clear and appropriate English
*learn about other cultures and your own while practicing English  
Textbook = Speaking of Intercultural Communication (Vincent; 南雲堂)
(Bring your textbook to class every week!)
*Always bring your textbook to class.
*If you miss a test or presentation, you should talk to me about possible extra work you can do in order to earn some of the missed points. If you do nothing, you will lose all the points.
TRY TO SPEAK ENGLISH! If you use Japanese too often, you interrupt your classmates' efforts to learn English. Use English whenever you can and encourage your classmates to speak English. MISTAKES ARE ALWAYS OK because they help us to improve.
*If you use your mobile device (スマートフォン等) during class for reasons unrelated to English study, you will damage your participation grade.
 Reading Quizzes  20%
Reading Reaction Posts
Class Reflection Videos
Final Exam
Other Homework 20%
(Students who are absent for more than one-third of the classes will fail this course. For web-based classes, "absence" means not completing the online assignments.)
“One of the most effective ways to learn about yourself is by taking seriously the cultures of others. It forces you to pay attention to those details of life which differentiate them from you” — Edward T. Hall