Kansai Circle of Psycholinguistics
関西心理言語学研究会 (KCP)

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    8/10-11にMAPLL-TL 2024に開催されるのに合わせて、KCPが以下のサテライト・コロキアムを主催します。無料ですので奮ってご参加ください!

    第80回 関西心理言語学研究会(KCP)ミーティング

    MAPLL-TL Satellite Colloquim
    【日時】8/11 (日) 14:00--15:00
    ・関西学院大学 上ヶ原キャンパス G-301教室(3階)

    【発表者】Shota Momma (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
    【タイトル】"Message-syntax mapping in sentence production: a view from ellipsis priming"
    Sentence production involves translating a 'message' into a syntactic structure. However, the nature of message representation remains largely unknown. In this talk, I attempt to shed light on the nature of message representations by examining the production of verb phrase ellipsis in English (e.g., "Toma ate a cake, and Mei did, too"). I report a series of recall-based production experiments showing that the decision to elide a verb phrase can be primed and that various kinds of event anaphoric expressions, distinct from verb phrase ellipsis, can prime verb phrase ellipsis. Critically, this cross-constructional priming effect was selectively observed when the constituent referred back to by an event anaphora in prime sentences expresses "eventuality" (a super-category of event and state that does not yet have spatial or temporal information) and not when it expresses a 'situation' (event/state located in time and space) or a 'proposition.' Based on these results, I argue that sentence production involves (a) representing events/states as entities devoid of temporal and spatial information and (b) deciding whether to use an event anaphora to express them.

    MAPLL-TL 2024

    8/10 (Sat), 11 (Sun)にはMAPLL-TL 2024が開催され、Ted Gibson (MIT)の基調講演が予定されています。ぜひお越しください。詳しくはこちら

    <発表者募集> 本KCP研究会では、心理言語学関連の研究を発表するインフォーマルな機会を提供しています。研究の途中経過の発表や、学会発表を控えての練習なども歓迎しています。発表してみたい方は以下のフォームをご利用ください。(オーガナイザーに直接メールなどでコンタクトくださってもけっこうです。)KCPでは、心理言語学(語彙アクセス、文理解、言語産出、言語獲得・習得など)の研究を歓迎します。研究の途中経過の発表も歓迎します。研究に行き詰まったらむしろ発表してみませんか? 行き詰まっていない発表ももちろん歓迎です! 発表申し込みフォーム→ https://forms.gle/fZiNQrwN18kMvucM9


    第79回 2024.7.20 (関西学院大学梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    【発表者】Shota Momma (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
    【タイトル】A theory of structure building in speaking
    Partly due to our free will, our ability to produce sentences is notoriously hard to study. Existing theories of sentence production are not very good at capturing how speakers assemble structurally complex sentences that involve syntactically interesting phenomena. In this talk, I attempt to fill this gap by developing a theory of sentence production that integrates well with theories of syntax. This model aims to capture the production of sentences involving various syntactic phenomena, including raising, control, and wh-movement dependencies, and suggests a close parallelism between locality domain for syntactic computations and planning units in sentence production. The proposed theory makes counter-intuitive predictions about the time-course of sentence formulation as well as one of the most well-studied phenomena in sentence production: structural priming. I present experimental evidence confirming those predictions.

    第78回 2024.6.16 (関西学院大学梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    Studies on Sound-Meaning Association: Perception of English Vowels and Consonant Clusters by Native Speakers of English and Japanese
    It has been considered that the association between sound and meaning is arbitrary, but there are instances where a direct association exists based on synaesthetics. In this study, we conducted the auditory size judgment tasks to investigate the associations between the size of verbs and the phonological representations, and explored whether the perceptions of British English consonants and vowels are universal across languages. The results suggested that synaesthetic influences, affecting judgments of size based on auditory stimuli were different between speakers of the two languages and there was no common association between sound and meaning for both language groups.~

    第77回 (KCP International Workshop 2024) 2024.01.06-07 (平生記念セミナーハウス)
    Invited speakers:
    Hannah Rohde, University of Edinburgh
    Douglas Roland, University of Tokyo
    --January 6th, Saturday
    13:00-     Registration open
    13:25-13:30     Opening remarks
    13:30-14:10     Hajime Ono (Tsuda University)
    "The role of resumptive pronouns in Tongan relative clause processing."
    14:10-14:50     Douglas Roland (U Tokyo)   [Invited talk / abstract]
    "Prediction as a consequence of integration"
    15:00-15:40     Kentaro Nakatani (Konan U)
    "Processing negative-sensitive elements in Japanese"
    15:40-16:20     Shinnosuke Isono (U Tokyo)
    "Towards a universal theory of locality effects in comprehension"
    16:30-17:30     Hannah Rohde (U Edinburgh)   [Invited talk / abstract]
    "Discourse dependencies: Raising and answering questions in discourse"
    --January 7th, Sunday
    10:30-11:10     Mikihiro Tanaka (Konan Women U)
    "Mapping concept onto syntax in sentence production: Evidence from coercion and metonymy"
    11:10-11:50     Yoko Nakano (Kwansei Gakuin U)
    "Mechanisms for producing inflectional verb forms in L1 and L2 Japanese"
    11:50-13:00     Break
    13:00-13:40     Rei Emura (Tohoku U)
    "Lingering misinterpretations of Japanese garden-path sentences"
    13:40-14:20     Ken Nakatani & Shoko Shida (Konan U)
    "Affectedness, awareness and re-mention in a maze"
    14:20-15:00     Franklin Chang & Tomoko Tatsumi (Kobe City U of Foreign Studies)
    "My mouth is lonely: Processing of the emotions of inanimate objects"
    15:00-15:40     Masataka Yano (Tokyo Metropolitan U)
    "Processing of null subjects in Japanese"
    15:40-16:00     Break
    16:00-17:00     Hannah Rohde (U Edinburgh)   [Invited talk / abstract]
    "Informativity in cooperative communication"
    17:00-17:05     Closing remarks

    第76回(広瀬ゼミ合同) 2023.07.07 (Zoomミーティング)
    【タイトル】(Active) dependency formation and locality constraints
    【発表者】Hiroki Fujita (University of Potsdam)
    In clause-boundary ambiguities, the matrix subject DP can be analysed locally as an embedded object, and the parser initially favours this analysis during the online parsing process. I report three experiments investigating whether dependency formation influences this parsing preference by introducing biases towards non-local analysis. Experiments 1/2 tested biases caused by active dependency formation, while Experiment 3 examined closure-like biases. The results showed that these biases block local analysis, depending on their strength relative to the biases for local analysis. These results suggest that dependency formation is an active process and that different biases have different strengths and combine to constrain sentence parsing.
    第75回 2022.11.04-05 (Zoomミーティング)
    統計分析をやったことがない人向けの超初級実践ワークショップです。いまや業界スタンダードの統計ソフトRのフロントエンド,R Studioを使ったワークショップで,読み時間などの分析方法の基礎をハンズオンで実践します。分析手法はt検定と線形混合効果(LME)モデルに絞ります。二日間でたったの4時間しかありませんので,以下の事前準備をお願いします。






    第74回 2022.10.29 (Zoomミーティング)

    【発表者】新井 大智 (関西学院大学院)・中野陽子(関西学院大)
     文処理のモデルの1つとしてキュー呼び出しモデルというものがある。ヘッドは項構造に関する情報を持っている。例えば表1aの例文では、ヘッドの動詞plantは植えることが出来る名詞句(the tree)を目的語に取る情報(キュー)を持っている。受動態では先にtreeを処理してワーキングメモリ―(WM)に保持しておき、動詞が処理される。その際cueが呼び出され、WM内に保持されている構成素のうち、同じcueを持っているものを呼び出して結びつく。このような処理をキュー呼び出しモデルという(Jäger et al., 2017; Van Dyke, MceElree, 2011; 祐伯, 2021)。(1)aと(1)b のような文はbe動詞がwereであるが主語名詞(target)が単数形であるため非文である。しかし、treeを修飾する前置詞句near the rosesの名詞句(attractor)が複数形であるため間違って呼び出されてwereと結び付けられる。時間制限のある容認性判断課題と被験者ペースの読文課題において(1)aは(1)b よりも容認度が高く、読み時間も早くなることが報告されている。このような現象を文法的錯覚、または促進性干渉という(Wagers, et al, 2009)。このような現象を見つけることがキュー呼び出しモデルの証明となる。Wagersらは統語情報で促進性干渉を発見したが、英語のfiller-gap構文を用いた先行研究では意味情報でも促進性干渉を引き起こすことが報告されている (Cunnings & Sturt, 2018)。しかし実験文は関係節のある複雑な文であり、もしキュー呼び出しモデルが普遍的なものであるならば単文でも促進性干渉が見られることが予測されるため、英語の受動態の単文を刺激として英語母語話者を対象に実験を行った。時間制限のない容認性判断課題(実験1)、語呈示時間300msの容認性判断課題(実験2)、語呈示時間400msの容認性判断課題(実験3)と自己ペース読文課題(実験4)を用いた実験を行った。

    (1) a. *The tree near the roses were planted.
    b. *The tree near the rose were planted.  

     実験1、3、4では促進性干渉は見られなかったが、実験2では促進性干渉は見られた。また、刺激文の内容に関する問題の正答率は実験3の方が実験2と比べて有意に高かった。呈示時間が300msの際、単語は完全な構造を作らないままバッファに記憶されて互いに関連付けをしたり、再び関連付けしやすくなっていると考えられる。Koornneef & Reuland (2016) によれば 、このような状況は浅い処理(Shallow Processing)と考えられている。それに対して呈示時間が長いと、バッファ内の単語はより完全な構造を形成し、これが深い処理となる。300msと400msの語呈示時間及び時間制限のない場合の語呈示の長さの違いは、浅い処理から深い処理への移行を反映しているのではないかとも考えられる。

    Cunnings, I., & Sturt, P. (2018). Retrieval interference and semantic interpretation. Journal of Memory and Language 102. 16-27.
    Jäger, L. A., Engelmann, F., & Vasishth, S. (2017). Similarity-based interference in sentence comprehension: Literature review and Bayesian meta-analysis. Journal of Memory and Language, 94, 316-339.
    Reuland, E. J., & Koornneef, A. W. (2016). On the Shallow Processing (Dis) Advantage: Grammar and Economy. Frontiers in Psychology, 7.
    Van Dyke, J. A., & McElree, B. (2011). Cue-dependent interference in sentence comprehension. Journal of Memory and Language, 65(3), 247-263.
    Wagers, M. W, Lau, E. F., & Phillips, C. (2009). Agreement attraction in comprehension: Representations and process. Journal of Memory and Language 61. 206-237.
    祐伯敦史. (2021). 日本語の文理解とキュー呼び出しモデル:尊敬表現に焦点を当てて. 関西学院大学大学院.

    第73回 2022.06.25 (Zoomミーティング)

    【ゲスト講師】Douglas Roland(早稲田大学)
    【タイトル】How to deal with eye-tracked reading data: A workshop
    視線計測データには非常に多くのパラミタが存在し,また,skippingやparafoveal viewの問題,戻り読みレートの解釈の問題などもあり,自己ペース読文課題のデータとは比較にならない複雑さがあります。これらを解決する一意的な方法はありませんが,実際にどのように分析を実践しているか,情報交換してみませんか。

    今回のワークショップでは,講師にDoug Rolandさんをお招きし,Roland et al. (2021)で用いた分析をステップ・バイ・ステップで説明いただくと同時に,参加者の分析実践についての情報交換や悩み相談を行います。

    In this workshop, Doug will walk through the analysis of a set of data from start to finish, discussing the decisions at each point along the way. It will be assumed that the audience had at least vague knowledge of measures of eye movement and data analysis with LMERs, but no familiarity with Robodoc or the R markdown code from Roland et al. (2021) is presupposed. The attached file shows a tentative plan, where the bullet points in the gray boxes are general summaries of larger sets of specific points for each area.

    第72回 2022.06.04 (Zoomミーティング)

    【発表者】永田亮(甲南大学 知能情報学部)

    第71回 2022.03.18 (Zoomミーティング)

    【発表者】伊藤愛音(National University of Singapore)
    【発表タイトル】Investigating shared and distinct mechanisms in semantic and syntactic enrichment: a priming study
    Aspectual verbs (e.g. begin) and intensional verbs (e.g. want) can both take entity-denoting NPs as a complement (begin/want the book) and acquire an implicit meaning (e.g. reading). Linguistic theory posits that such enriched implicit meanings can be acquired either by semantic enrichment with aspectual verbs or by syntactic enrichment with intensional verbs. To investigate whether semantic and syntactic enrichment share enrichment operations, we conducted a structural priming study. Experiment 1 repeated the verb on prime and target trials and found evidence for enrichment priming for both verb types. Experiment 2 crossed the verb type and found no evidence for priming. These results suggest that enrichment operations are distinct for aspectual and intensional verbs. However, Experiment 3 repeated Experiment 1 without lexical boost and found no enrichment priming within the verb type. Thus, producing an enriched structure may not robustly activate enrichment structures, leaving open questions concerning shared mechanisms.

    第70回 2022.03.04 (Zoomミーティング)


    第69回 2021.12.11 (Zoomミーティング)

    【発表者】Franklin Chang(神戸市外大)
    【発表タイトル】The relationship between vision and language: A tutorial using Unity 3D
    The human visual system develops before language, both within an individual and in the evolution of language in the species. Language must presumably interface with these visual systems in order to describe visual scenes or learn new words from visual input. But at present, linguistic and psycholinguistic theories do not explicitly evoke visual mechanisms. I will describe several studies that I have done which attempt to make explicit the links between vision and language.

    One reason that there are few studies linking vision and language is that it is difficult to create visual stimuli for complex linguistic items. In this talk, I will demonstrate how to use the Unity game engine to create 3D scenes with animated characters. Here is a video of the characters that we will be using.

    In order to understand the Unity tutorial, it is useful to get some experience with Unity beforehand. Here are the steps that I recommend. There are Japanese instructions here: https://deve-cat.com/unity-start-guide/

    1) Download and install the Unity Hub. https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download
    2) Within the unity hub, go to the install tab to add the default unity program (e.g., 2020.3.21f1)
    3) Add any modules that you want (none is fine)
    4) Click on the projects tab.
    5) Create a new 3d project using the default version (give it any name you want)
    6) Click on your new project to start up Unity.

    Now we need to add some assests and setup the world. Please watch this video for a Japanese explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOJ6K5kiclE

    7) Go to your browser outside of unity and open this link:
    8) Add it to your assets (you will need to sign in).
    10) In unity, go to Package Manager and search your assests for “common people”
    11) Import all of Supercyan’s Character Pack: Free Sample
    12) Now we need to create a ground plane (see above youtube video for details in Japanese). First add a plane to your scene.
    13) Now add a new material and call it green.
    14) Change the Albedo color to green.
    15) Drag the green material onto your plane object in the scene and it should turn green.
    16) Save your project

    If you want to be able to understand my tutorial, it is best if you can do these steps beforehand, because then you will understand the Unity interface and some basic ideas like the scene vs project. In the tutorial, I will show you how to animate the character.

    Here are some of the papers that will be discussed in the talk.

    Twomey, K. E., Chang, F., and Ambridge, B. (2016). Lexical distributional cues, but not situational cues, are readily used to learn abstract locative verb-structure associations. Cognition, 153, 124–139
    Jessop, A. and Chang, F. (2020). Thematic role information is maintained in the visual object-tracking system. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(1), 146–163
    Jessop, A. & Chang, F. (submitted) The relative clause asymmetry is shaped by difficulties in tracking role-referent bindings.
    Chang, F., Tatsumi, T., Hiranuma, Y., & Bannard, C. (submitted) The construal of telicity in the production of tense/aspect morphology in Japanese-speaking adults and children.

    第68回 2021.11.07 (Zoomミーティング)


    第67回 2021.10.30 (Zoomミーティング)

    今回は、CLANは使用しません。Browsable Database を使用しますので、何も前準備は必要ありません。全体の流れは以下の通りです。

    ・実践 問題を解く形式でやっていきましょう
       1.+ (inclusive OR) を使ってみよう
       2.^*^ を使いこなそう
       3.+g1 と 否定を表す ! を使いこなそう
       4.+g5 を使いこなそう

    第66回 2021.9.24 (Zoomミーティング)

    【発表タイトル】緊急ワークショップ〜 Ibex Farm閉鎖にどう対応する? 情報交換しましょう!
    Alex Drummondが創始したIbex Farm閉鎖に伴い,どのような代替手段があるかを探ります。本ワークショップではIbex自体のチュートリアルは行いませんので,Ibex利用経験のある方(あるいはこれから利用しようと準備していた方)の参加をお待ちしています。また,一方的なチュートリアルではなく,情報交換の場としたいので,ぜひオーディエンスからの情報もご教示いただければと思います。

    1. Ibex farm閉鎖の経緯(中谷)
    2. PCIbex farmの紹介
      a. 従来のIbex実験をPCIbex farmで実行する(中谷)
      b. PCIbexを新たに使ってみる(磯野)
    3. 自前レンタルサーバで従来のIbexを実行する(中谷)
    4. 自宅でサーバを構築する(岸山)
    5. その他

    *動画限定公開(2022年9月まで)→ こちらのページをご覧ください

    第65回(国立国語研究所共催) 2021.9.25 (Zoomミーティング)


    第64回 2021.7.24 (Zoomミーティング)

    本チュートリアルでは、Gorilla(https://app.gorilla.sc)というオンラインサイトを使用し、主に言語産出の実験方法(特に絵描写実験(Picture Description Task)を紹介します。(時間があれば、Qualtrix(https://www.qualtrics.com/jp/)というツールの説明もします。)



    当日は実際に実験を作っていきますので、当日までに下記のサイトからアカウントの作成をお願いします。 https://app.gorilla.sc/

    第63回 2021.6.19 (Zoomミーティング)

    アリゾナ大学 Forster氏の作成されたDMDX(http://www.u.arizona.edu/~kforster/dmdx/dmdx.htm)は長年改良を重ねつつ,心理言語学の実験で使われてきました。本チュートリアルでは、DMDXを使って,顕在的プライムのある語彙性判断課題とマスク下の語彙性判断課題の2種類の課題を作成する方法を紹介します。   

    DMDXを利用する利点としては、(1) フリーウェアであること, (2) Windowsを搭載したPCのモニターに1ミリ秒の精度で刺激を提示することができること,(3) USB接続ができる入力機器(市販のゲーム用機器など)を使うことができることが挙げられます。



    第62回 2021.5.8 (Zoomミーティング)

    言語調査に特化した実験プラットフォーム・ウェブサイトであるIbex Farm(https://ibex.spellout.net/)を利用して,自己ペース読文課題をオンライン(遠隔)で行う方法を紹介する。



    第61回 2021.4.17 (Zoomミーティング)


    Ibex Farmという言語調査に特化した実験プラットフォーム・ウェブサイト(https://ibex.spellout.net/)を利用して容認性判断課題を行う方法を紹介する。Ibex FarmはJavaScriptで書かれたプログラムによって動作しているため、コードを書き換えることで様々な実験を作成することができる。今回はIbex Farmアカウント作成時に用意されているテンプレートファイル(JavaScript, HTML)を編集し、簡単な調整を行うことで容認性判断課題の実験ページを作成することを目指す。
    -Ibex Farmアカウントと実験ページの作成

    第60回 2021.3.13 (Zoomミーティング)

    *対象者:はじめてEyeLink, ExperimentBuilder, DataViewerを導入した人向け(EyeLink使用環境を前提とした実践チュートリアルです。視線計測の一般論のチュートリアルではありません)

    概 要:
     Desktop Mountで読文課題を実施してデータを収集する際の方法について、実際にEyelinkや関連ソフトを立ち上げ、被験者にサンプルの読文課題を行ってもらう様子を見る。

  • 使用機器:Eyelink 1000 plus
  • 刺激呈示ソフト:EpxerimentBuilder
  • データ分析ソフト:DataViewer
  • *機器およびソフトは参加者でご準備ください

  • 扱う予定の作業:EyeLinkのカメラの設定、カリブレーションの仕方、データ収集実施、InterestArea作成、結果のファイル確認
    第59回 2019.12.7 (関西学院大学の梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    【発表者】Franklin Chang(神戸市外大)
    【発表タイトル】The Nature of Structural priming in Japanese
    Structural priming is a tendency for speakers to repeat previously heard syntactic structure (Bock, 1986). Work in English has found that structural priming involves a purely structural component that is associated with the surface syntactic structure of sentences (e.g., NP V NP PP; Bock & Loebell, 1990). Overlap in words and meanings can increase priming in some situations (Pickering & Branigan, 1998; Ziegler & Snedeker, 2018), but there is always a structural effect that does not depend on this overlap.

    We examine whether this is true in Japanese, by testing structural priming with idioms which have a surface structure that looks like datives (e.g., 警察が被害者の忠告に肝を冷やした vs 消防士が同僚の話を肝に銘じる). We also testing priming with transitives with animate ni-marked adjuncts that resemble datives (e.g., 消防士が同僚の話を老人とともに録音した) as well as transitives with inanimate ni-marked adjuncts(e.g., ガードマンが社長の命令をレポートに添付する). We found that the pattern of priming in Japanese was very different from the pattern in English and we propose an explanation for these differences based on a connectionist model of English/Japanese language acquisition/production (Chang, 2009).

    A review article about structural priming is available here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3lionbo6ygzvst9/j.1749-818X.2006.00001.x.pdf?dl=0

    第58回 2019.11.2 (関西学院大学の梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    【発表タイトル】Why is L1 not easy to hear? –An fMRI study of the focus perception by Japanese/English late-onset bilinguals–

    We naively believe that L1 is easier to hear than L2. Generally this belief is correct, but we are bewildered to find out that Japanese contrastive focus is more difficult to identify (86.2%) than English focus (98.6%) for Japanese native speakers, through our perception experiment with 22 Japanese (L1)/English (L2) late-onset bilinguals.

    Lee et al. 2015 claim that languages can vary in their perceptual strategies in relation to pitch, intensity and duration. English is a language with strong prosodic marking, while Japanese is a language with weak prosodic marking; they report that the median z-scores of focused pitch are 2.96 in English and 0.60 in Japanese. We can say that Japanese contrastive focus is harder to perceive, due to sensory weakness.

    To see how sensory differences are processed in the brain and what brings us perceptual difficulty, we conducted an fMRI experiment on 22 right-handed Japanese (L1)/English (L2) late-onset bilinguals. Our results were (i) the reaction time is longer in L1 (467. 3 ms) than L2 (451.6 ms), (ii) the focus identification ratio is lower in L1, and (iii) greater activation occurs in the bilateral superior temporal gyri (BA22) and the left precentral gyrus (BA6) in L2. These findings of ours are incompatible with the traditional claim (cf. Gandour et al. 2007, Perrone-Bertolotti et al. 2013) that similar brain regions are recruited for L1 and L2 and the graded brain activity in L2 is responsible for perception difficulty.

    We conclude that the processing difficulty derives not from the L1/L2 distinction but from the sensory properties of languages. Another important fruit of our study is that motor is involved to process Japanese (BA4, 6) and English (BA6), a supporting evidence for the auditory specification in the temporo-parietal junction and inner speech (cf. Hickok 2012, Lœvenbruck et al. 2018).


    【発表タイトル】体系変化の動機は常に一定か: 発話・理解労力と体系の複雑性とに着目して

     本発表では、日本語市串方言の相 (aspect) などを資料として、体系変化の動機が必ずしも一定ではないことを解明する。
     本発表に言う市串方言とは、鹿児島県北西部の旧市来町ないし旧串木野市 (= 現いちき串木野市) で言語形成期を過ごした老年層の方言を指す。同方言は特徴のひとつを相に持っており、種々の状態的意味を複数の生産的形式で表し分けている (黒木2018)。たとえば、「部屋に入ると、太郎が手紙を書いてるとこだった」の下線部は次のように表現される。

    (1)  a.  テ.ガン.ノ##ケ.チョッ.タ
         b.  テ.ガン.ノ##カッ.ゴッ.タ
         c.  テ.ガン.ノ##カッ.カ.タ.ジャッ.タ
         d.  テ.ガン.カッ.ジャッ.タ
    (.: 音節境界   ##: 統語的語境界)

     (1a-c) の「テ.ガン.ノ」は、日本語の補部 (complement) に同じく、情報量に乏しい時は必須ではない。そして、(1b-d) の意味が進行にしか解釈できないこととは対照的に、(1a) のそれは完了 (= ‘書き終えてた’ のような意味) にも解釈できる (黒木2018)。音節数と多義性とで (1) を特徴付けると、次のように成る。

    (2)                                      音節数   多義性
        a.  (テ.ガン.ノ##)ケ.チョッ.タ          3 (+ 3)  有
        b.  (テ.ガン.ノ##)カッ.ゴッ.タ          3 (+ 3)  無
        c.  (テ.ガン.ノ##)カッ.カ.タ.ジャッ.タ   5 (+ 3)  無
        d.  テ.ガン.カッ.ジャッ.タ              5        無

     「書く」のような主体動作動詞 (工藤1995。Vendler 1957で言えば、Activity) で進行を表すにあたって、発話および/ないし理解の労力を抑えようとすれば、多義的な (2a) より一義的な (2b) の方を、音節数に勝る (2c) よりそれに劣る (2d) の方を選り好むと考えられる。ところが、実際はそう成っていないのである。とりわけ、頻用が予想される (2b) は、使用頻度の面で他に勝るどころか、一部の話者においては用いられなくなりつつある。

    ◆工藤 真由美 (1995)『アスペクト・テンス体系とテクスト: 現代日本語の時間の表現』、ひつじ書房 ◆黒木 邦彦 (2018)「市来・串木野方言の静態化体系」、岡崎友子ほか (編)『バリエーションの中の日本語史』、pp. 45?67、くろしお出版 ◆Vendler, Zeno. (1957). Verbs and times. The philosophical review. LXVI. pp. 143?60. New York: The Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell University. [再録: Vendlar. (1967). Linguistics in philosophy. Chap. 4. New York: Cornell UP.]

    第57回 2019.6.15 (甲南大学 岡本キャンパス)

    【発表者】和田華子(津田塾大学 修士課程)
    【発表タイトル】Volitionality effect on the FNQ licensing as a unaccusativity test of Japanese
    It has been assumed that intransitive verbs can be divided into two types, unaccusatives and unergatives. The unaccusative subject is identified with the internal argument or the transitive object, whereas the unergative subject is identified with the external argument or the transitive subject. The split intransitivity involves the aspectual dimension (i.e., telicity) and the thematic dimension (i.e., agentivity), but it is still open issue which of the two semantic factors is determinant on the split intransitivity. Our study investigated whether the volitionality (agentivity) exercises the effect on the acceptability of floating numeral quantifier (FNQ) construction, which is a syntactic unaccusativity test in Japanese. We argue that the volitionality is the determinant on FNQ with putative unaccusative verbs, and that the telicity has the effect only when putative unergative verbs are involved. Our experimental results suggest that the volitionality (agentivity) might be the primary semantic factor in Japanese unaccusativity.

    第56回 2019.3.2 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    【発表タイトル】An ORC preference in Tongan, a language with syntactic ergativity
    An ORC preference in Tongan, a language with syntactic ergativity
    (collaboration with Manami Sato, Koichi Otaki, Yuko Otsuka, and Masatoshi Koizumi)

    In the psycholinguistic literature, it has been found in many languages that the processing cost for the subject relative clauses (SRC) is lower than that for the object relative clauses (ORC) (Kwon, et al., 2010, for review). At the same time, the set of languages that have been investigated in the psycholinguistic field in general is quite small, and widening the linguistic diversity is called for (Anand, et al., 2011). Our study examined the relative clause processing in Tongan (Austronesian, Tonga), a V-initial language with syntactic ergativity. A self-paced reading experiment shows that Tongan exhibits an ORC preference unlike many other languages examined in the literature (English, Japanese, etc.). We argue that syntactic ergativity contributes to such a preference, further suggesting that the subject advantage in RC is not universal, but the grammar of a language like syntactic ergativity may have a strong influence for the bias.

    第55回 2019.1.26 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    【発表タイトル】Modelling the L2 Mental Lexicon ( 第二言語における心的辞書構造のモデル化 )

    第54回 2019.12.15 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    1. 中野陽子(関西学院大学)・岸本健太(関西学院大学)「日本語の派生語の視覚的認知処理における書記形態分解と漢字の活性化」
    2. 森本クリスティナ(関西学院大学)「バイリンガル環境下の同声調異義語における声調影響に関して」

    マスク下のプライミング課題を用いた先行研究では、複数の形態素で構成される語は視覚的認知処理の初期段階で、書記形態に基づいて分解されること―書記形態分解(morph-orthographic decomposition)が報告されている(Rastle et al. 2000, 2004)。先行研究の多くはアルファベット言語に関するものであったが、日本語の研究では書記形態に基づく分解というよりも語幹の漢字を見つける処理―漢字みつけ(Kanji spotting)が行われていることが示唆された(Nakano, Ikemoto, Jacobs and Clahsen, 2016)。書記形態分解について調べている日本語に関するほかの先行研究もマスク下のプライミング効果を報告しているが、効果が得られた理由が書記形態分解だけではなく、漢字見つけによってもたらされた可能性もでてきた。そこで本研究では日本語でも書記形態分解が起こるのか改めて検討することにした。本研究はその中間報告を行う。

    Nakano, Y., Ikemoto, Y., Jacob, G. and Clahsen, H. (2016). How orthography modulates morphological priming: Subliminal Kanji activation in Japanese. Frontiers in Psychology.
    Rastle, K. Davis, M. H., and Marslen-Wilson, W.D. (2000). Morphological and semantic effects in visual word recognition: A time-course study. Language and Cognitive Processes, 15. 507-537.
    Rastle,K., Davis,M., and New,B. (2004). The broth in my brother’s brothel: morpho-orthographic segmentation in visual word recognition. Psychon.Bull. Rev. 11, 1090–1098.

    [Joint work with Wang, X. & Sturt, P.]
    先行研究によると言語音声認識においてバイリンガルの第二言語が母語の言語音声認識に影響を与えることが示唆されている。しかし、その反対に、二言語を習得しているバイリンガルの母語が第二言語を聞いている最中に影響することがあるのだろうか。1つの言語内のみならず、異言語間にも同音異義語が存在し(英語:bay、中国語: 倍)する。中国語が母語の英語学習者が英語の単語を聞くとき、当該の英単語のみならず、中国語の同音異義語も想起されることが予測される(e.g.,Dijkstra, T., & Van Heuven, W. J. , 2002)。中国語は声調が単語の弁別に関与しており、英語と中国語の同音異義語の弁別にも影響を与えることが考えられる。そこで本研究では中国語が母語の上級英語学習者の協力を得て、音声提示による第一言語の単語の弁別に第二言語の特徴である声調が影響を与えるのかを調査した。
     エディンバラ大学に留学中の英語が上級レベルの中国人学生30名に対して、英語-中国語の同声調異義語10セットを提示し、Visual World paradigmを用いて視線を観測した。英語-中国語の同声調異義語10セットのうち中国語単語は漢字1字で表わされる次の4種類を1グループとして用意した―①英語のプライム単語と同音節かつ同声調のもの(英語と同声調異義語の中国語単語)、②英語のプライム単語と同音節だが異声調であるもの、③英語のプライム単語と同声調で韻が同じもの、④全く関連のないもの。手順は、被験者には予め英語を聞いて翻訳タスクを実施するように伝え、英語の単語を音声提示したあと、視覚刺激として漢字1字で表わされる中国語単語4つを呈示し、ターゲット単語をマウスでクリックさせた。そのうち1つは英単語(bay)の中国語での翻訳語(湾 /wān/)、2つは無関連のフィラー2語(烤 /kǎo/、狼 /Láng/)、そしてもう1つは上記の英語-中国語の同声調異義語4種類のうち1つであった。 

    Dijkstra, T., & Van Heuven, W. J. . (2002). The architecture of the bilingual word recognition system: From identification to decision. 7. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 5(03), 175-19.

    第53回 2019.1.24 (立命館大学 朱雀 キャンパス)

    【発表タイトル】Where can Focus be located? – An experimental study of ambiguous sentences with ‘only’
    Sentences with a focus-sensitive particle “only” can generate surface ambiguous sentences such as in (1), with possible interpretations in (1a-b).

    (1) John has only given water to the exhausted traveler.
    a. John has only given [water]F to the exhausted traveler, (not anything else).
    b. John has only given water to [the exhausted traveler]F, (not the vigorous traveler).

    The ambiguity is yielded since “only” could locate its associate F(ocus) at multiple positions. How is the locating process governed? One idea concerns the nature of the scalar presupposition of “only” (Beaver & Clark ’08, a.o.) – that is, the prejacent is a relatively low-ranked alternative among Alt(S). For (1a), suppose a set of alternatives {water, food, feast}. Since the alternative {water} is low-ranked, (1a) satisfies the scalar presupposition and is a valid sentence. In contrast, in the sentence (2), the alternative {feast} is not low-ranked, so the only possible interpretation is (2b).

    (2) John has only given feast to the exhausted traveler.
    a. *John has only given [feast]F to the exhausted traveler.
    b. John has only given feast to [the exhausted traveler]F.

    This suggests that “easily scalable” constituents (given the notion of the scalar presupposition) tend to attract F. Another idea on how to locate F concerns the Alt(S) generation algorithm. Building on the analysis proposed by Fox & Katzir (2011), it is expected that a conjunction could also attract F (details omitted here due to the space limitation).

    If the two ideas above are on the right track, the truth condition of ambiguous sentences will be manipulated by (i) placing an “easily scalable” constituent such as numeral, and (ii) placing a conjunction, on one of the object positions.

    For the experiments to be reported, I recruited 64 English speakers and 138 Japanese college students, who have studied English for at least 6 years at school. The counterpart of “only” in Japanese is a bound morpheme (“-sika … nai” and “-dake”), and thus when they process English ambiguous sentences (with “only” and F far apart), they cannot use their transferred knowledge from L1.

    The participants read stories with stimulus sentences to judge if they match the contexts (True/False). The target sentences vary in three factors as in (3a-c). From the responses, we can deduce which object the participants associated “only” with. E.g., if one answers False to (3a), (s)he associated “only” with the 1st object, while if True to (3a), (s)he associated it with the 2nd object.

    (3) [Context A: Patricia is a nurse in a children’s ward at a hospital. After her night shift, she reported how the patients were doing to their doctors. This is what happened: Patricia told Dr. Myers about Jackie and about Nick. She told Dr. Sheehan about Nick. She told Dr. Beck and Dr. Sheldon about Marley.]
    a. Baseline condition: Patricia has only told Dr. Sheehan about Nick.
    b. Numeral on the 1st object condition: Patricia has only told one of the doctors about Nick.
    c. Numeral on the 2nd object condition: Patricia has only told Dr. Sheehan about one of the patients.

    The results to be discussed show, in a nutshell, (i) there exists a mild preference to assign F on the 1st object on the Baseline condition, (ii) the focus association is indeed modulated by the position of a numeral, (iii) both trends are found in Japanese speakers as well – which suggests that they do not transfer their knowledge about the properties of “only” in Japanese, and furthermore, (iv) conjunctive DPs have a potential being an “easily scalable” constituent.

    第53回 2018.11.24 (立命館大学朱雀キャンパス)

    【発表タイトル】Where can Focus be located? – An experimental study of ambiguous sentences with ‘only’
    Sentences with a focus-sensitive particle “only” can generate surface ambiguous sentences such as in (1), with possible interpretations in (1a-b).

    (1) John has only given water to the exhausted traveler.
    a. John has only given [water]F to the exhausted traveler, (not anything else).
    b. John has only given water to [the exhausted traveler]F, (not the vigorous traveler).

    The ambiguity is yielded since “only” could locate its associate F(ocus) at multiple positions. How is the locating process governed? One idea concerns the nature of the scalar presupposition of “only” (Beaver & Clark ’08, a.o.) – that is, the prejacent is a relatively low-ranked alternative among Alt(S). For (1a), suppose a set of alternatives {water, food, feast}. Since the alternative {water} is low-ranked, (1a) satisfies the scalar presupposition and is a valid sentence. In contrast, in the sentence (2), the alternative {feast} is not low-ranked, so the only possible interpretation is (2b).

    (2) John has only given feast to the exhausted traveler.
    a. *John has only given [feast]F to the exhausted traveler.
    b. John has only given feast to [the exhausted traveler]F.

    This suggests that “easily scalable” constituents (given the notion of the scalar presupposition) tend to attract F. Another idea on how to locate F concerns the Alt(S) generation algorithm. Building on the analysis proposed by Fox & Katzir (2011), it is expected that a conjunction could also attract F (details omitted here due to the space limitation).

    If the two ideas above are on the right track, the truth condition of ambiguous sentences will be manipulated by (i) placing an “easily scalable” constituent such as numeral, and (ii) placing a conjunction, on one of the object positions.

    For the experiments to be reported, I recruited 64 English speakers and 138 Japanese college students, who have studied English for at least 6 years at school. The counterpart of “only” in Japanese is a bound morpheme (“-sika … nai” and “-dake”), and thus when they process English ambiguous sentences (with “only” and F far apart), they cannot use their transferred knowledge from L1.

    The participants read stories with stimulus sentences to judge if they match the contexts (True/False). The target sentences vary in three factors as in (3a-c). From the responses, we can deduce which object the participants associated “only” with. E.g., if one answers False to (3a), (s)he associated “only” with the 1st object, while if True to (3a), (s)he associated it with the 2nd object.

    (3) [Context A: Patricia is a nurse in a children’s ward at a hospital. After her night shift, she reported how the patients were doing to their doctors. This is what happened: Patricia told Dr. Myers about Jackie and about Nick. She told Dr. Sheehan about Nick. She told Dr. Beck and Dr. Sheldon about Marley.]
    a. Baseline condition: Patricia has only told Dr. Sheehan about Nick.
    b. Numeral on the 1st object condition: Patricia has only told one of the doctors about Nick.
    c. Numeral on the 2nd object condition: Patricia has only told Dr. Sheehan about one of the patients.

    The results to be discussed show, in a nutshell, (i) there exists a mild preference to assign F on the 1st object on the Baseline condition, (ii) the focus association is indeed modulated by the position of a numeral, (iii) both trends are found in Japanese speakers as well – which suggests that they do not transfer their knowledge about the properties of “only” in Japanese, and furthermore, (iv) conjunctive DPs have a potential being an “easily scalable” constituent.

    第52回 with KLP 2018.10.27 (関西学院大学梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    【発表タイトル】What drives next-mention preferences in Japanese?
    Pronoun resolution, especially the resolution of subject pronouns, in sentence Si is closely related to the discourse established by preceding sentences S1...Si-1. This expectation is particularly influenced by the immediately preceding sentence Si-1. This study investigates the interaction between the inferences from the event denoted by sentence Si-1 and the preference for the “next mention” (i.e., what is expected to be mentioned first in the following sentence Si), through two off-line experiments: the first was a rating study on various types of transitive sentences, and the second was a sentence continuation study using a subset of the sentences used in the first. In some previous studies (Stevenson et al., 1994, 2000), thematic relations play a significant role in the next mention preferences. We point out that there are conceptual problems about this approach, and argue instead that a theory utilizing non-thematic, finer-grained inference-based factors is called for. Specifically, we suggest that the next-mention preference is significantly affected not necessarily by the logical entailment of the verb in the preceding sentence, but by the speaker/hearer’s inferences on the theme argument, e.g., inferences on the extent to which the theme argument is directly or indirectly affected by the event.


    本発表では、構成名詞句の持つ特性と名詞句間の関係を詳細に検討することで、以下の点を主張する。1)同格名詞句には基本的に少なくとも1つ指示的な名詞句が含まれること。2)同格名詞句間の関係は、Heringa (2011) が英語の同格名詞句に対して仮定したように、名詞句間にコピュラの関係を仮定できること。3)コピュラ文と同様、措定・指定・同定のタイプが観察されること。これらの議論を通し、同格名詞句の分析がいかに統語研究に寄与できるかを指摘したい。

    第51回 2018.3.31 (関西学院大学梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    【発表者】藤田宏樹(University of Reading)
    【発表タイトル】Persistent Misinterpretation of Non-Local Dependencies in Native and Non-Native Speakers.
    Some studies show that both native and non-native English speakers sometimes misinterpret locally ambiguous sentences like ‘While Mary dressed the child played in the room’ (Christianson et al., 2001), where ‘the child’ may be initially construed as the object of the subordinate clause verb (‘dressed’) but needs to be reinterpreted as the subject of the main clause at the disambiguating verb (‘played’). One account for this phenomenon is that language processing is good enough (Ferreira et al., 2001), and as a result, the initially assigned misinterpretation lingers even after attempts at reanalysis. Recent studies also suggest that difficulty in such sentences is attributed to a failure in erasing the memory of the initially assigned misinterpretation rather than to an inability to construct a fully specified syntactic structure (Fujita & Cunnings, 2018a; Slattery et al., 2013). However, most studies on good-enough processing examine subject-object ambiguities and it remains less unexplored about how other reanalysis-required sentences are processed after reanalysis. Non-local dependencies (e.g., ‘John saw the car which the officer stopped the bicycle near earlier today’) may also require reanalysis when the filled-gap effect is at play (Stowe, 1986) such that ‘the car’ is initially construed as the direct object of the verb ‘stopped’ according to the active-filler strategy (e.g., Frazier, 1987), but needs to be reanalysed as the complement of the preposition ‘near’. Fujita and Cunnings (2018b) show that the initially assigned misinterpretation lingers in such non-local dependencies in both native and non-native speakers, suggesting that the good-enough account is a general property of sentence processing in both native and non-native speakers. In this talk, I will talk about reanalysis processes on a different type of non-local dependencies like ‘The cameraman saw the helicopter which the soldier attacked very swiftly from during the war’, where the noun ‘helicopter’ may be initially interpreted as the direct object of the verb ‘attacked’ just like the sentence with the filled-gap effect above, but in contrast to it, the ambiguity is disambiguated by the preposition (Pickering & Traxler, 2003). If the good-enough account accounts for lingering misinterpretations in non-local dependencies, both native and non-native speakers should show persistence in the initially assigned interpretation in such non-local dependencies as well. It is also possible that non-native speakers are more persistent in initially assigned misinterpretations than native speakers due to their reduced syntactic parsing ability (Clahsen & Felser, 2006) or their poorer performance in erasing misinterpretations from memory (Cunnings, 2017). I will also discuss some future studies related to reanalysis processes.

    第50回 2018.1.27 (関西学院大学梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    【発表タイトル】Research on the processing of nasal sounds by Japanese listeners

    In Mori (2015), I carried out an experiment and found that Japanese listeners interpreted English assimilated nasal sounds with Japanese phonological knowledge. Succeeding experiment that employed the phoneme monitoring task was carried out to investigate whether Japanese listeners could pick up the phonological information from the unreleased word-final assimilated segment. In this experiment, participants were supposed to perceive phonetic information from the assimilated segment, but its result did not show anything. A statistical reanalysis was performed adding duration of the segment as a variable. It showed that the reaction time to the longer duration stimuli was significantly shorter than that to the shorter ones. This indicates that Japanese listeners need a considerably long segmental duration to perceive its phonetic information.

    Based on my preceding studies, I hypothesized that listeners need certain duration of syllable final nasal sounds to perceive them properly, which is differentiated by listeners’ first languages. Some research provides clues to support the hypothesis. For example, Shoemaker (2014) points out that French listeners distinguish nasalized consonants from syllable final nasals by their durations. Furthermore, Sato (1993) reports that the durational ratio of initial consonants and syllable final consonants in Japanese is about 1:2, and that of English is about 1:1.3, on the other hand. If listeners use their first language information to process foreign languages, they must refer the ratio and it is possible that foreign sounds are too short for listeners to perceive property.

    To prove the hypothesis is on the right truck, I carried out an experiment which employs monitoring tasks. Audio stimuli were prepared with sentences like “I heard my son believes in Santa Clause”. They were read by a male American native speaker and recorded, then were edited into two patterns; the natural pretarget type (natural package, hereafter) and the slowed pretarget type whose pretarget nasal sound was lengthened about 1.54 times to natural one (slowed package hereafter). Each types were packaged separately. In the experiment, a participant listened to audio streams and was required to detect target phonemes such as /p/, which was presented on a computer screen. They were instructed to press a button when they found the targets. The response time from the onset of the target to a participant’s pressing button was recorded.

    The statistical analysis was conducted and found that reaction times from the slowed type experiment package was significantly shorter than those from the natural package. This means the original length of English final nasal segments are too short to perceive phonetic information and facilitate progressive processing of English speech. In other words, they try to hear English as referring their own Japanese phonetic information. This could be also an support to Darcy et al. (2009), which proposed that listener’s speech processing is language specific.

    第49回 2017.10.7 (関西学院大学梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    【発表者】Kentaro Nakatani (Konan University)
    【発表タイトル】Anti-locality effects of surprisal: A case of negative polarity items in Japanese
    *This is a practice talk for a JK25 satellite workshop “East Asian Psycholinguistics”.

    An interesting aspect of locality effects––slowdown effects caused by long-distance dependencies (Gibson, 2000; etc.)––is that they are often difficult to find in head-final languages (Konieczny, 2000; Konieczny & Döring, 2003; Nakatani & Gibson, 2008, 2010; Vasishth & Lewis, 2006). A number of researchers have reasoned that growing expectation for a head in the course of processing cancels out, or even overrides, the cost of retrieving a distant target word (Konieczny & Döring, 2003; Hale, 2001; Levy, 2008).

    Nakatani (2014) introduced a slightly different perspective to this issue by examining the effects of locality in the processing of ungrammatical inputs in Japanese. In that study, I found a strong anti-locality effect of surprisal: local NPIs incurred greater RTs at the affirmative (ungrammatical) predicates than distant ones. A question remains, however, as to whether this effect is peculiar to a case of failed processing of ungrammatical strings, something not found in normal processing.

    The present study addresses this issue by examining a grammatical combination of NPIs and affirmative predicates in Japanese by utilizing the so-called bridge expressions (Kato, 1985), such as [Clause] koto-ga nai “(lit.) [Clause] experience-Nom lack” = “have no experience of [Clause]”. NPIs in Japanese can be licensed in this construction, in which case NPIs would be temporarily matched with affirmative predicates in the course of processing before licensed by the negative element nai.

    A self-paced reading experiment was conducted using a 2x2 factorial design crossing the Locality factor (local vs. distant) and the NPI factor (NPI subject vs. nominative subject). The results revealed a significant interaction between the two factors at the spillover region, such that there was a strong anti-locality effect within the NPI conditions but not with the nominative control. This shows that the anti-locality effect of surprisal is not a peculiar property of a processing failure.

    I interpret this to be an indication of modular, bottom-up processing within a local window (Frazier & Fodor, 1978; Tabor et al., 2004; etc.).

    第48回 2017.7.15 (関西学院大学梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    【発表者】早川 杏子(関西学院大学)
    現代の日本語と中国語の間には、「教育」や「停電」など、書字や意味を共有する同形の二字漢字語が数多く存在する。日本語を第2言語として学ぶ中国語学習者にとっては、こうした語彙の存在が、語彙学習やリーディングの負荷を軽減してくれるという正の側面がある一方で、音韻的には、必ずしも日中間で類似性が高いとは言えないことが指摘されている(茅本 1995,早川 2017)。また、日本語の二字漢字語には、中国語には存在しない日本語独自の漢字語(例:番号、配達)や、中国語と字順が逆転した漢字語(例:(日)短縮-(中)縮短、(日)許容-(中)容許)なども存在している。これまで、中国人日本語学習者の聴解処理においては、中国語と非同形である日本語独自の漢字語が、中国語と同形の漢字語よりも速く処理されることが報告されている(早川 2010,2012)ものの、字順が逆転した漢字語の認知処理については、いまだ視覚・聴覚ともに詳細に検討されていない。そこで、本研究では、日本語の語彙性判断実験によって、聴覚および視覚の双方から、中国人日本語学習者の同形語・非同形語の漢字語処理について検討した。その結果、字順が逆転した漢字語には一貫した結果が見られたが、その他の漢字語は聴覚処理と視覚処理において、異なる傾向が見られることがわかった。





     青木はクラウドソーシング・サイトLancersを介し,無料のクラウド実験サービスIbex farmを利用した容認性判断実験の手法,中谷は無料ソフトLingerを利用した自己ペース読文実験の手法,中野は無料ソフトのDMDXと市販のゲームパッドを用いて,語彙判定課題や,形態素処理の研究に使われている閾下プライミング課題(マスクをかけた刺激を,呈示されたことに気づかない程短時間呈示した後,ターゲット語を呈示してその効果を調べる課題),田中は,E-Primeを利用した,代表的な言語産出の実験方法(絵描写タスク,文再生タスク,談話スクリプトタスクなど)の手法をデモンストレーションする。


    1. Introductionのスライド(中谷)
    2. 容認性判断(青木)
    3. 自己ペース読文課題(中谷)
    4. 語彙判定課題/プライミング(中野)
    5. 言語算出(田中)

    第47回 2017.5.27 (西宮大学交流センター)

    「XがYをVしたZに〜した」のタイプの文において、XとYがともに裸名詞(裸—裸)の場合やともに量化されている(二重量化)場合に比べて、X, Yのいずれか一方が量化される(片側量化)場合には「Zに」の語句でガーデンパス(GP)効果が低下する(井上他, 2008)。この観察から、二重量化では裸—裸のようなグループ解釈が行われているが、片側量化では、オンラインでの量化計算の際、文構造の決定が保留され、その結果GP効果が軽減すると考えられる。本研究ではこの仮説を検証するために、新たに開発した独自の方法により裸—裸、二重量化、片側量化の解釈パターンを調査した。しかし、二重量化と片側量化の間でグループ解釈の割合に差はみられなかった。一方、二重量化では、適切に量化計算しているとはいえない解釈の割合が片側量化に比べ有意に高かった。本発表ではこの量化方略の違いがGP効果に影響を与えている可能性を指摘する。

    第46回 2017.4.15 (西宮大学交流センター)

    【発表者】Mikihiro Tanaka (Konan Women's University)
    【発表タイトル】The Production of Metonymy: Evidence from Priming
    Figurative language such as metonymy (e.g., I bought Dickens instead of I bought Dickens’ book) is widely used in everyday conversation. While several psycholinguistic studies have investigated the comprehension of metonymy, little is known about how metonymic expressions are constructed.

    The present study reports an experiment that investigated whether speakers prime metonymic expression in Japanese sentence production. In a recalled-based sentence production task (Ferreira, 2003), speakers encoded two sentences (the Prime and filler) into memory, then were asked to produce the Prime. Then speakers were presented with the Target and filler sentence, and were prompted to produce the Target. I examined the form of participants' subsequent Target descriptions. There were three prime conditions: metonymic, non-metonymic or literal expressions (1). For recalling Primes and Targets, they comprised a subject NP only, allowing a metonymic or non-metonymic completion (2).

    Results showed that participants were more likely to recall the metonymic expressions correctly after recalling the metonymic expressions than after recalling the non-metonymic and literal expressions as the Primes. Also, the difference of the proportions of the non-metonymic and literal expressions was not significant. This result is not compatible with the ‘indirect’ model of figurative language in which the non-metonymic expressions are accessed prior to the metonymic expressions (e.g., Grice, 1975). Instead, it supports the ‘direct’ model in which the metonymic and non-metonymic expressions can be accessed directly (e.g, Frisson & Pickering, 1999).

    (1)  Prime: Shousetsuka-ga Toshokan-de, [Dickens-o yonda / Dickens no / hon-o yon-da / Dickens-ni atta].
    'The novelist in the library [wrote Dickens / wrote Dickens’s book / met Dickens]. (metonymic /non-metonymic /literal)'

    (2)  Target: Kashu-ga Concert-de, [Madonna-o utta / Madonna no CD-o utta].
    'The singer in the concert … [sold Madonna /sold Madonna’s CD].'
    (metonymic /non-metonymic)

    第45回 2017.3.21 (関西学院大学梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    【発表者】津村 早紀 (東京大学大学院)

    主語と述語の要素間の距離が離れている場合、離れていない場合に比べて処理負荷が増大し、その処理負荷を反映してlocality effectが観察されることがある。本研究では、日本語における主語と述語の要素間の距離の違いが処理負荷に影響を与えるかどうか、否定極性表現(NPI)の一つであり、全称量化詞である「誰も」を含む文を用いて検討した。自己ペース読文実験の結果、NPIである「誰も」とNPIでない「誰もが」の両条件で、locality effectが観察され、全称量化詞の場合、主語と述語の要素間の距離の違いが処理負荷に影響を与えることが示唆された。

    第44回 2016.10.22 (立命館大阪梅田キャンパス)

    【発表者】浅原 正幸(国立国語研究所)
    【発表タイトル】BCCWJ-EyeTracking の概要とその統計分析

    BCCWJ-EyeTracking (浅原ほか, 2016)は『現代日本語書き言葉均衡コーパス』 (Maekawa et. al., 2014) の一部に対して視線走査法と自己ペース読文法を用いて計測した、読み時間データである。このデータに対して人手による係り受け構造アノテーション BCCWJ-DepPara (浅原・松本 2013) の情報を重ね合わせ、係り元文節数と読み時間の関係を調査する。先行研究ではドイツ語 (Konieczny, 2000) および日本語 (Uchida et al.,2014) において、係り元文節数が多い場合に係り先文節の読み時間が早くなる現象 Anti-Locality が、二重目的格をもった作例について確認されている。本研究では均衡コーパスと人手による係り受け構造アノテーションを用いて、より一般的な設定で経験的に Anti-Locality をの検証を行った。線形混合モデルに基づく統計分析の結果、本研究においても Anti-Locality の現象が確認できた。

    Maekawa, K., Yamazaki, M., Ogiso, T., Maruyama, T., Ogura, H., Kashino, W., Koiso, H., Yamaguchi, M., Tanaka, M., & Den, Y. (2014). Balanced corpus of contemporary written Japanese. Language Resources and Evaluation, 48(2), 345-371.
    浅原 正幸・小野 創・ Miyamoto, E. T. (2016) BCCWJ-EyeTracking ~『現代日本語書き言葉均衡コーパス』に対する読み時間アノテーション, 電気情報通信学会技術研究報告 思考と言語 Vol. 116, No. 169, pp.7-12.
    浅原 正幸・松本 裕治 (2013) 『現代日本語書き言葉均衡コーパス』に対する係り受け・並列構造アノテーション, 言語処理学会第19回年次大会発表論文集, pp.66-69.
    Konieczny. L. 2000. Locality and parsing complexity. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 29(6).
    Uchida, S., Miyamoto, E. T., Hirose, Y., Kobayashi, Y., and Ito, T. 2014. An erp study of parsing and memory load in Japanese sentence processing – a comparison between left-corner parsing and the dependency locality theory –. In Proceedings of the Thought and Language/the Mental Architecture of Processing and Learning of Language 2014.

    第43回 2016.9.25 (西宮市大学交流センター)


    日本語には動詞と動詞を複合させた複合動詞という複雑述語が他言語と比べても豊富にあることが影山 (2014)によって報告されている。そのような日本語を日本語たらしめている複合動詞を日本語を母語とする子どもがいつ、どのように獲得するのかという問いは、日本語に関する第一言語獲得研究、なかでも、言語発達研究と語彙獲得研究において重要な研究課題のひとつである。本研究ではまず、日本語複合動詞の獲得に関する先行研究(e.g., 大久保 1967, 西ノ内・伊東・村田 1970等)を概観する限り、子どもが得ているインプットはそれぞれの子どもで異なるにもかかわらず、そこには 1) 語彙的複合動詞が統語的複合動詞よりもおよそ12ヶ月先に発話されること、2) 最初期に発話される語彙的複合動詞のV2は移動動詞であること、3) 最初期に発話される統語的複合動詞のV2は起動相を表す「出す」であること、という共通点があることを指摘する。次に、その共通点が他の子どもでも観察されるのかどうかを調べるために、Aki(Miyata 2004a)とTai(Miyata 2004b)とSumihare(Noji et al. 2004)(と澄晴(野地 1973–1977))を対象にCHILDES(MacWhinney 2000, Oshima-Takane 1998)を使用した実証研究を行った。その結果、調査した3名の子どもでも同様に上に記した共通点が観察されたことを報告する。さらに、なぜ日本語複合動詞の獲得順序にそのような共通点があるのかという問いに対して、概念発達(conceptual development)(Huttenlocher, Smiley, and Charney 1983等)と語彙概念構造(lexical conceptual structure)(影山 1996等)に関する研究成果を組み合わせることによって説明を与えることを試みる。

    第42回 2016.7.16 (立命館大阪梅田キャンパス)

    【発表者】Nigel Duffield(甲南大学)
    【発表タイトル】"Are second language learners really narrow-minded? Investigating the ‘Other Race effect’"

    I report the results of a cross-linguistic, cross-modal study investigating correlations in second language learners between two kinds of perceptual discrimination: phonological discrimination of non-native sound contrasts vs. visual discrimination of 'non-native' faces (aka ‘Other Race Effect’ cf. Spelke & Kinzler), both of which abilities show very similar narrowing patterns in early infancy.

    Eighty-two adult speakers (40 Japanese, 40 Canadians) took part in a counter-balanced set of visual and auditory ABX discrimination tasks. The results clearly demonstrated nativeness effects in the auditory domain, but not for face discrimination: in fact, Japanese faces proved hardest to discriminate even for native Japanese participants (Fig. 1). This result calls into question the ‘Other Race Effect’. Moroever, the nativeness effects found in the auditory experiment were phonetic, rather than phonological: English learners exhibited more difficulty in discriminating Japanese [d] from [t] than in discriminating long vs. short vowels (see Fig. 2).

    In this talk, I’ll discuss the experiments in more detail, and consider the implications of the research for theories of language acquisition.

    第41回 2016.6.18 (立命館大阪梅田キャンパス)

    【発表者】折田 奈甫(東北大学)
    【発表タイトル】理性的言語行為モデル (Rational Speech Act model) チュートリアル

    近年,話者と聞き手間のコミュニケーションにおける推論を確率モデルによって形式化した理性的言語行為モデル(Rational Speech Act model)が提案され,さまざまな言語現象をうまく予測している.本チュートリアルでは,Frank and Goodman (2012)の理性的言語行為モデルの紹介をしながら,話者の語の選択や聞き手の語の解釈が,話者・聞き手間の推論を形式化した確率モデルによってどのように説明できるかを解説する.

    第40回 2016.5.29 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    "What does it mean to be local? Rethinking locality effects in the processing of various dependencies in Japanese."

    What is the cost of having a long distance dependency, really? Is it costly to retrieve a far-away linguistic element? Or conversely, would the intervening elements actually make the processing easier because they help the processor narrow down the expectation? What about similarity interference? How about the effect of having multiple incomplete dependencies? How about the hypothesis of the processing within a local window?

    This presentation recaps the history of locality studies, revisiting various theories on locality effects, which often make completely contradictory predictions. Then I report results from several self-paced reading experiments testing the effect of locality in various dependencies in Japanese, including thematic relations, wh-interrogatives, and NPI processing. It will be concluded that (i) the two major theories conflicting with each other, i.e., the distance-based locality theories (Gibson, 2000; Vasishth & Lewis, 2006; etc.) and the probabilistic, expectation-based facilitation theories (Hale, 2001; Levy, 2008), are both necessary in explaining the whole data, and (ii) the locality effects cannot be completely reduced to similarity interference effects, necessitating an activation-decay model (Gibson, 2000; Vasishth & Lewis, 2006; etc.).

    第39回 2015.10.24 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    井上雅勝 (武庫川女子大学)「Rを用いた線形混合モデル分析(LME)におけるp値の算出と単純傾斜検定の分析方法」

    近年の心理言語学的研究において分析方法の主流となりつつあるRプログラムを用いた線形混合モデル分析(主にlme4パッケージを用いた場合)では、これまで、(1)固定因子の自由度とp値が計算できない、(2)交互作用が有意であった場合の単純傾斜検定(分散分析における単純主効果の検定に相当)ができない、などの問題があった。一方、ここ数年で、Satterthwaite近似を用いてtの自由度およびp値を計算するlmerTestパッケージが開発され、論文にも表記される例があらわれはじめてている。さらに、このパッケージとPreacherのサイト(http://quantpsy.org/)を併用することにより、単純傾斜検定を実施する方法も紹介されている(清水, 2014)。今回は、交互作用の下位分析としての単純傾斜について若干解説した後、Reading timeサンプルデータを使って、実際に上の分析の操作を実習する。

    第38回 2015.7.11 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    "Planning association of causes and consequences in Japanese"

    When people produce an utterance longer than a sentence, they have to combine the complex narrative into a coherent one. Formal and experimental analyses of narrative discourse have suggested each continuation of a discourse can link to prior context in various ways (van den Broek, Linzie, & Fletcher, 2000; Simner & Pickering, 2005).

    However, the precise nature of this mechanism has been unclear, and this type of study has mainly been done in English; therefore, it is not known if the same result can be found in other languages. In this talk, by focusing on the relationship of causality (e.g., cause and consequence), I present four psycholinguistic experiments (discourse completion tasks) in Japanese to investigate two aspects of planning narrative discourse: (1) how the discourse continuation’s prior context is chosen, and (2) how the content of the discourse continuation is chosen.

    Firstly, I found that people tend to continue their narrative from the previous consequences than causes. And this tendency was much stronger if these included information from consequences that were linguistically closer than less closer (Experiment 1).

    Secondly, I found when the discourse fragments were presented in context, people tend to continue their utterance with consequences more than when the discourse fragment was presented out of context (Experiment 2). This effect was even stronger, when the controlled fragments were presented (Experiment 3). In addition to these, people are more likely to continue the sentence with more consequential narratives if the events described in the sentence are more typical than less typical (Experiment 4).

    To summarise, I suggest people consider an absence of either cause or consequence to be a gap, and they seek to fill this gap in their narrative. Furthermore, people do not simply use causality relations to produce an utterance in their discourse; they use their world knowledge and features of textual and temporal recency to produce a successful narrative. Finally, the general findings in this Japanese study are compatible with the findings by Simner and Pickering (2005) conducted in English, suggesting the mechanism of narrative discourse, in terms of how individuals choose the anchor and the content, could be similar in both languages.


    Simner, J., & Pickering, M.J. (2005). Planning causes and consequences in discourse. Journal of Memory & Language, 52, 226-239 van den Broek, P., Linzie, B., Fletcher, C., & Marsolek, C. D. (2000).

    The role of causal discourse structure in narrative writing. Memory & Cognition, 28, 711–721.

    第37回 2015.5.10 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    "The processing of Japanese inflected forms in native and non-native speakers"

    The debate about possible differences between the L1 and L2 processing of complex words is most controversial with regard to inflected forms: While some studies show robust differences between L1 and L2 speakers (e.g. Neubauer & Clahsen, 2009, Kırkıcı & Clahsen, 2013), other studies (e.g. Basnight-Brown et al., 2007; Diependale et al., 2011) suggest that L2 speakers process inflected forms in the same way as L1 speakers. Importantly, however, previous studies on the L1 and L2 processing of such forms have mainly focused on languages written in alphabetic scripts. The issue of script is particularly important with regard to the processing of complex words, because major theories of morphological decomposition (Rastle et al., 2004; Marslen-Wilson et al., 2007) consider the segmentation mechanism for complex words to be morpho-orthographic in nature. The present study investigates the L1 and L2 processing of Japanese inflected forms written in moraic script.

    In a masked priming experiment with native speakers of Japanese and advanced native Korean learners of L2 Japanese, participants encountered masked prime words (shown for 50 ms) with the past-tense affix –ta (e.g., tsumazui-ta ‘stumbled’), and subsequently had to perform a lexical decision on morphologically related forms of the same words with the non-past suffix –u (e.g., tsumazuk-u, ‘stumble’). The experimental design also included an identity control condition, in which the targets were preceded by an identical prime (tsumazuku - tsumazuku) and an unrelated control condition, in which the targets were preceded by a morphologically, orthographically, or semantically unrelated prime (e.g., mijikai ‘short’- tsumazuku). Importantly, primes were written in different Japanese mora scripts (primes in Hiragana, targets in Katakana), controlling for purely visual priming effects. Unrelated control primes were matched with morphologically related primes with regard to length and frequency, based on the Japanese jpTenTen corpus.

    The Japanese L1 group showed a reliable morphological priming effect (p<.001), with shorter lexical decision times for targets following morphologically related primes than for targets following matched unrelated primes. The L2 group, in contrast, showed no significant priming (p=.652).

    The effects are consistent with previous findings of differences between L1 and L2 processing, and also go in the same direction as in these previous studies, with significant priming effects only for L1 speakers, but not for L2 learners. In this respect, we conclude that the effect generalizes to non-alphabetic scripts. The lack of morphological priming in the L2 group suggests that L2 speakers do not decompose inflected forms during the initial stage of word recognition. L2 learners can thus be considered less sensitive to the morphological structure of inflected forms.

    (This talk is an extended version of the talk we will give in the preconference workshop for the 10th International Symposium in Bilingualism, Rutgers University, New Jersey.)

    第36回 2014.12.6 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    "Ambiguity resolution in the Japanese benefactive constructions"

    Japanese benefactive constructions usually involve verbs of giving. Because Japanese has two types of giving verb, kureru 'give (to the speaker)' and ageru 'give (to a non-speaker)', the corresponding two types of benefactive constructions can be constructed, depending on who the beneficiary is. It has been pointed out in the literature that the kureru benefactive (=for the speaker's benefit) involves greater processing cost than the ageru counterpart (=for a nonspeaker's benefit) in an example like the following (Nagata, 1993; Mazuka & Itoh, 1995; Tokimoto & Nakanishi, 2000):

    a. 中村が中古のパソコンを買ったとき修理してくれた。
    b. 中村が中古のパソコンを買ったとき修理してあげた。

    The two sentences are superficially identical except for the choice of the final benefactive verb. Both sentences involve two main verbs (買った 'bought' and 修理して 'repair') while involving only one nominative subject (中村が), leading to ambiguity as to who is doing what. (1a) is especially difficult to process because in the first parse, the overt nominative subject is construed as the subject of the first verb 買った 'bought', which turns out to be wrong: the person who bought the PC should be the speaker, because kureru forces the reading in which the speaker benefitted from having somebody (中村) repair the PC, which in turn forces the interpretation where the speaker, not 中村, bought the PC.

    However, previous studies are problematic in some respects. First, they have not exhausted all the possible structural and interpretive possibilities. Second, the driving force of pragmatic inferences has not been sufficiently discussed. Third, the possibility of a reanalysis triggered by ageru has been overlooked. Kataoka & Nakatani (2012) address the latter two issues, and the present study extends K&N's study to address all the three issues, through a judgment study and a self-paced reading experiment in which context is added to K&N's materials to separately test the effect of pragmatic inferences. It will be shown that the difficulty in (1a) may not be incurred by a forced structural reanalysis, but may simply be an instance of a garden path effect incurred by pragmatic anomaly.

    第35回 2014.11.1 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    森 直哉(同志社大学大学院)
    "Japanese listeners’ compensation and the use of contextual information at the segmental level."

    This presentation reports the result of the experiment that was carried out in order to investigate how Japanese listeners compensate the underlying form of English assimilated segments. In the experiment, targets were English words whose final segments were alveolar, bilabial, or assimilated (these are called PLACE condition in later). In addition, there were stop sounds and nasal sounds (MANNER condition in later) for each PLACE condition. They are paired with other words to make phrases, and embedded in sentences. The task was that participants judges whether the target in the sound stream heard from the headphone is alveolar or bilabial.

    The analysis on the result showed that participants interpreted nasal MANNER condition segments as alveolar regardless of what segment follows them, even if the nasal segments was underlyingly bilabial. On the other hand, they interpreted stop MANNER condition segments along with its following segments. These result reveals that upcoming contexts have great influence on their preceding word final stops, but not on word final nasals for Japanese. Since there is still necessity to carry out further investigation, the current research will go on.

    第34回 2014.10.11 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    "Proficient second-language users’ perceptual and computational advantages in the processing of the mother tongue and arithmetic: brain potential evidence"

    Past research has shown that a proficient L2 user’s brain represents the L2 in cerebral regions identical to the mother tongue (L1). Having an additional, different language in the same brain regions may negatively influence the pre-existing L1 and other cognitive functions such as arithmetic, due to competition. In contrast to this possibility, here we provide event-related brain potential (ERP) evidence that proficient L2 users possess advantages in the processing of the L1 and arithmetic. High L2 proficiency was correlated with faster L1 and arithmetic processing as indexed by ERP latencies in both semantic and syntactic aspects. The groups also differed, irrespective of experimental conditions, in early ERP components that are likely to reflect perceptual processing. Our results suggest that proficient L2 users have advantages in the processing of verbal information generally, at the levels of both low-order perception (vision) and high-order computation (semantics and syntax).




    第33回 2014.7.26 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)


    我々が時間軸に沿って言語を処理している際に脳がどのように活動しているのかについて検討するにあたり、事象関連電位 (event-related potential: ERP) を指標とした研究が、日本語を対象とした研究でも、多数見られるようになってきている。数ミリ秒単位で脳の電気的活動の変化を記録することの出来るERPは、我々の脳内で驚異的な速度で展開される言語処理を捉えるのに最適なツールの一つであることは間違いない。しかしながら、ERPを抽出するために加算平均法によって相殺されている自発 (spontaneous) 脳波 (electroencephalogram: EEG) にも、実は言語の処理に伴う認知的な活動に関する情報が含まれており、自発脳波の解析をもって、ERPだけでは観ることの出来ない言語処理の諸相を観ることが可能となる。本発表では、自発脳波の変動を指標として言語処理について検討した先行研究を紹介し、さらに発表者自身が実施した実験のデータを紹介することを通して、事象に関連した自発脳波の変動を指標とすることの有用性をアピールする。

  • 発表資料
    第32回 2014.6.21 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)


      (1) 加藤が宮田を止めた武田を呼び出した
      (2) 加藤を宮田が止めた武田が呼び出した

    本研究では、self-paced reading task による語句毎の読み時間の測定に基づき、(1), (2) 文のような「含まれる要素は同じだが語順が異なる」2つの構造的曖昧文について、それぞれの文のGP効果 (注) を比較した。すると、(1) のHN領域の平均RTが1211msであったのに対し、(2) では1568msに達した。このGP量の非対称性は、何に由来するのだろうか。本発表ではまず、(2) のHN領域での再解釈処理において、目的語関係節効果と非正規語順効果が重複することに着目し、他の条件ないし他の領域のRT量を利用して、それらの効果分を減じるという分析を試みる。その上でなお残存する (1)-(2) のRT差が真にGP量の条件差を示すものであるとみなし、それがいかなる処理の違いに由来するのかを検討する。また、時間が許せば、本実験のデータを例に、線形混合モデル分析 (LME) におけるいくつかの問題について話題提供を行う。

    注:(1), (2) 文において、「止めた」までを単文として解釈すると、関係節主要部 (HN)「武田を/武田が」が現れた時点で、それまでの解釈が誤りであったことに気づき、再解釈が必要になる。そのための処理コストが読み時間のような指標にあらわれる現象を、ガーデンパス (GP) 効果という。

    第31回 2014.5.24 (甲南大学 岡本キャンパス)

    青木 奈律乃(甲南大学院生)
    「The Effect of the Choice of the Objects in Japanese Locative Alternation」

    Although the details are unclear, it is known from the literature that the choice of objects influences the acceptability of Japanese locative alternation. I argue that the choice of objects affects the acceptability in one of the following ways: (i) it may improve the Theme-object type construction (NP[Location]-ni NP[Theme]-o V) by pragmatically enhancing the inference on the manner of motion. Alternatively, (ii) the choice of objects may improve the Location-object type construction (NP[Location]-o NP[Theme]-de V) by pragmatically enhancing the inference on the incorporation of the theme into the location. I presented the result from a questionnaire study supporting my hypothesis.

    2014.3.6 関西学院大学大学院オープン・レクチャー

    関西学院大学大学院オープン・レクチャーとして,Sentence Processing研究の第一人者であり,特に主要部後置言語のmemory retrievalの研究で知られるShravan Vasishth先生(Potsdam大)の講演会を行ないました。20人以上の参加をいただき,盛会のうちに閉会しました。ご来場くださった方々には厚く御礼申し上げます。

    Shravan Vasishth 氏(University of Potsdam)講演
    「Strong expectations cancel locality effects: Evidence from Hindi」
    (関西学院大学 大学院言語コミュニケーション文化研究科 オープン・レクチャー)

    Although both languages are active regardless of a bilingual’s intention to speak in one language only, cognitive control mechanisms effectively allow the target language to be selected during speech planning. In this talk, I address the questions of when the target language is selected and what factors influence the locus of language selection using behavioral and neurocognitive methods. A series of behavioral experiments with same and different script bilinguals demonstrate that script differences allow the bilingual to select the language of production at an earlier point in speech planning when they are perceptually available. In the next set of experiments, we have been examining the time course of cross-language activation and language selection with event-related potentials (ERPs) which are sensitive to the time course of speech planning. A critical result is that both languages are activated to the phonological level at least for same script bilinguals. These findings will be discussed in terms of models of bilingual word production.

    I will discuss the implications of this and related work from my lab on the expectation-locality interaction.

    第30回 2014.3.6 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    星野 徳子(神戸市外国語大学)
    「Language selection in bilingual speech production: When do same and different script bilinguals choose the language to be spoken?」

    Although both languages are active regardless of a bilingual’s intention to speak in one language only, cognitive control mechanisms effectively allow the target language to be selected during speech planning. In this talk, I address the questions of when the target language is selected and what factors influence the locus of language selection using behavioral and neurocognitive methods. A series of behavioral experiments with same and different script bilinguals demonstrate that script differences allow the bilingual to select the language of production at an earlier point in speech planning when they are perceptually available. In the next set of experiments, we have been examining the time course of cross-language activation and language selection with event-related potentials (ERPs) which are sensitive to the time course of speech planning. A critical result is that both languages are activated to the phonological level at least for same script bilinguals. These findings will be discussed in terms of models of bilingual word production.

    第29回 2013.12.21 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    藤原 崇(近畿大学非常勤)・鈴木 大介(日本学術振興会/龍谷大学)

     本研究では、機能論的な観点からの実証的な手法により、語用論的変数を引き出すことで、英語法副詞の機能的差異を実証する。具体的には法副詞conceivably, imaginably, perhaps, possiblyを扱い、コーパス分析及びアンケート調査の結果に基づいて、類義語間の語用論的機能の違いを論じる。変数として、モダリティの観点から(i)法助動詞との共起、談話構造の観点から(ii)法副詞の生起位置という要因の影響を調査し、さらに、この2要因の交互作用も検証する。結果として、各要因の影響力の大きさや、(i)と(ii)の要因の組み合わせによる効果が得られ、とりわけconceivablyとperhapsが語用論的な要因と密接に関わっていることが明らかとなった。

    第28回 2013.11.30 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    中谷健太郎(甲南大学) 「否定対極表現処理における局所性効果と反局所性効果〜非文処理をからめて」

     文処理においてGibson (1998, 2000)などによって主張される局所性効果(=メモリー負荷と文法依存関係の線型距離の間に仮定される正の相関)が主要部後置言語に見られないことは先行研究において指摘されている(Nakatani & Gibson, 2008, 2010; Konieczny & Döring, 2003; Vasishth & Lewis, 2006)が,Wh疑問詞処理(Ono & Nakatani, 2010, forthcoming)やNPI処理(Nakatani, 2009 [CUNY poster])といった,θ関係の処理以外の処理では局所性効果が報告されており,長距離依存関係処理における記憶資源の利用についてはさらなる検証が必要とされる。
     本研究ではNPI処理に焦点を当てる。Nakatani (2009)の実験デザインの潜在的問題として,すべてのターゲット条件において述語が否定形だったことが挙げられる。「シカ」にとって否定辞をともなう述語は無標であるが,「ガ」に対して否定形述語を組み合わせることは肯定形に比べるとより多くの前提を要求することになり,むしろ有標条件となることが考えられる。つまり,「シカ」「ガ」の主語標識因子と局所性因子の2因子デザインとして実験が遂行されたが,実際には述語の有標性という第3の因子がからみ,それがノイズとなった可能性がある。本研究では,局所性因子,主語標識因子に加え,述語に「否定」「肯定」の2水準の因子を設定し,自己ペース読文課題実験を行った。「ガ」条件にとっては肯定形が無標,否定形が有標であるいっぽうで,「シカ」条件にとって,否定形が無標,肯定形が有標(非文法的)となる。

    第27回 2013.10.12 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    野村 潤(京都女子大学)・Glen Norris(石川県立大学)・石川圭一(京都女子大学) 「日本人英語学習者の英単語知覚における母音挿入:予備実験と課題」

    日本語話者が外国語の子音連続を知覚する際、母音が挿入される(例えば magnet が magUnetto と聞こえる)ことが知られている。本研究は、この知覚的母音挿入がどのような状況下で起こりやすいかを調査することを目的とする。今回の発表では、予備実験の結果を報告するとともに、今後の課題を考察する。予備実験では「モーラ検出課題」を用い、英単語の親密度と、子音連続を構成する子音の有声性を制御した。どちらの要因に関しても有意な主効果が検出されたため、知覚的母音挿入には語彙アクセス前に生じるもの(音韻的挿入)と、語彙アクセス後に生じるもの(語彙的挿入)の2種類が存在する可能性が示唆された。(本報告は、日本音響学会2012年春季研究発表会における報告を、修正・拡大したものである。)

    第26回 2013.9.21 (甲南大学 岡本キャンパス)

    南部智史 (国立国語研究所)・中谷健太郎 (甲南大学) 「『が/の』交替と隣接性の効果について」

    日本語の名詞修飾節における主語標示としての助詞「が」と「の」が交替することは良く知られている(「が/の」交替)。また、名詞修飾節主語と述語の間に付加詞等の介在要素が存在する場合、主語標示「の」の容認度が低くなることが以前から指摘されていた (e.g., Harada 1971)。しかし、統語論ではMiyagawa (2011)を除いてほとんど従属節主語と述語の隣接性の問題に触れられてこなかった。さらに、これまでの隣接性のデータは全て内省判断によるものであり、隣接性の効果の実際についてそもそも明らかにされているとは言いがたい。本研究では、まず質問紙調査にて容認度判断を定量化し、隣接性の効果を経験的に明らかにする。さらに同じ材料文を用いて自己ペース読文実験を行い、読みの遅延が現れる場所を明らかにすることにより、「が/の」交替における隣接性の効果の原因を追究する。

    2013.8.7 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    浅原正幸(国語研)・森田敏生(総和技研)「ChaKi.NET 講習会」
    (国立国語研究所コーパス開発センター・関西心理言語学研究会 (KCP) 共催)


    2013.8.3-4 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    Mental Architecture for Processing and Learning of Language 2013 (MAPLL2013)がKCP共催で開催されました。たくさんのご参加ありがとうございました。


    2013.8.2 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    神長伸幸(理化学研究所)・井上 雅勝(武庫川女子大学)「混合モデル分析ワークショップ」


    第25回 2013.5.25 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    小野創・池本優(近畿大学)「Backward dependency formation in gapless relative clauses」


    第24回 2013.4.20 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)


    カフラマン(2011)は、読文実験の結果、日本語では、目的語分裂文の方が、主語分裂文に比べて処理負荷が低いことを報告した。しかし、この実験では、fillerに対する予測可能性が読み時間に影響を及ぼした可能性が高い(Kahraman et al.,2011)。そこで本研究では、文脈を用いて予測可能性を統制した上で、分裂文におけるgap-filler依存関係の処理を検討した。実験の結果、主語分裂文の方が処理負荷が低かった。従って、日本語分裂文においてgapとfillerを統合する処理負荷は、構造的な距離によって決定されることが明らかとなった。

    第23回 2013.2.18 (近畿大学東大阪キャンパス)

    井上 雅勝(武庫川女子大学)「Rを用いた混合モデル分析ワークショップ/チュートリアル」


    ・ノートPC持参 (WIndows. Mac)


    ・Microsoft Excel (データの配列や処理方法などを視覚的に説明したいため)
    ・R システム(インストール方法は後述)

    ・ez (分散分析・回帰分析・線形混合・混合ロジスティックなど)
    ・少なくとも混合モデル分析用の lme4 (上のezには含まれている)
    ・languageR (MCMC)
    ・rms (ロジスティック分析)
    ・ordinal (従属変数が順序尺度の混合モデル)

    ・http://cran.ism.ac.jp/ 該当するOSのページからダウンロード→インストール

    ・なおWindows版なら、Rを起動した後、上のページの「Windows 版 R ならば,GUI

    第22回 2012.12.22 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    小嶌友輝(関西学院大学)「日本語かき混ぜ文におけるフィラーギャップ依存関係の処理過程 —事象関連電位を指標として—」

    杉本史惠 研究員(関西学院大学大学院文学研究科)
    片山順一 教授(関西学院大学文学部総合心理科学科)
    中野陽子 教授(関西学院大学大学院言語コミュニケーション文化研究科)


    (1) a先生の/秘書が/お茶を/飲んだ。(基本語順)


    第21回 2012.10.20 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    小野創(近畿大学)・小畑美貴(三重大学) 「Interference and subcategorization information: A case of pre-verbal NPs in Japanese」

    第20回 2012.9.1 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    山田敏幸(東京大学)「Relative Clause Attachment Ambiguity in Japanese and English: What does it tell us about the human parsing mechanism?」


    The purpose of this study is to examine and compare relative clause (RC) attachment ambiguity in the Japanese and English languages (e.g., Someone shot the maid of the actress who was on the balcony). Although the RC (e.g., who was on the balcony) may attach either to the local noun (e.g., actress) or to the non-local noun (e.g., maid), earlier studies show that parsing preferences (i.e., the former or latter attachment) as ambiguity resolution seem to be varying across languages. We point out four issues in earlier cross-linguistic studies on RC attachment ambiguity: (i) the head-directionality or linear order of the RC and its two possible modifiees, (ii) the existence of relative pronouns, (iii) the source of ambiguity/disambiguation, and (iv) the RC types. As for (i), typically, the RC follows its two possible modifiees in head-initial languages like English but precedes them in head-final languages like Japanese. (ii) divides languages into two types: those which have relative pronouns (e.g., who in English) and those which do not (e.g., Japanese). For (iii), morphosyntactic agreement is often used as disambiguating information in languages with agreement (e.g., number agreement in English), while semantico-pragmatic information is used instead in languages without (surface, at least) agreement (e.g., plausibility/probability in Japanese). (iv) can be divided into four types depending on the extraction site of the head noun (i.e., the noun modified by the RC) (subject or object) and the RC position in the matrix clause (subject or object). Since the experimental manipulation varies across earlier studies, the findings about the cross-linguistic variation in parsing preferences have to be interpreted in consideration of those four issues. The present study controls them as much as possible and compares attachment preferences in various types of the RC in Japanese and English. This time we discuss the validity of the research design for the present study, the pilot experimental results (if available), and finally what the research on RC attachment ambiguity tells us about the language-universal and language-particular aspects of the human parsing mechanism.


    第19回 2012.7.7 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    統計ワークショップ part 2「統計ソフトRを使って、自己ペース読文実験の生データを分析してみよう!(続編)」

    10:00 - 13:30
    田中幹大(昭和大学)「ANOVAからMixed modelへ」(仮題)

    第18回 2012.6.9 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)


    10:30 -13:00
     中谷 健太郎(甲南大学)「Rの基本的操作~データトリミング~分散から分散分析まで」

    13:00-14:00 ランチ休憩

     井上 雅勝(武庫川女子大学)「回帰分析・分散分析・一般線形モデル-線形混合効果モデルの理解のために」

    第17回 2012.5.12 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)






    第16回 2012.4.28 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    森 直哉(同志社大学)「Japanese Listeners' Speech Processing in Japanese and English Place Assimilation Environments」


    Studies on speech processing have revealed that two strategies are employed by listeners in place assimilation environments. One is an anticipatory strategy where listeners anticipate the following segment from the preceding assimilatory segment (i.e. one expect a bilabial sound to follow greem, because it is an assimilated form of green triggered by the following bilabial sound). The other is a regressive or compensatory strategy where listeners infer and recover the underlying form of the assimilatory segment from the upcoming segment and contexts (i.e. they estimate that greem should be underlyingly green given the phrase greem beans). Gow (2001) claims that English speakers use both strategies, .Japanese listeners also use the anticipation strategy in their daily language processing as its nasal sound /N/ shows dynamic assimilation to the following phonological context. (Otake et al., 1996; Vance, 2008) The compensatory strategy is, however, not necessary for Japanese listeners when processing Japanese speech because the only possible coda consonant in the language is /N/ and there is no need to recover its underlying form based on the place of the following consonant. The main question asked in this study is whether Japanese listeners can use the regressive compensatory strategy that is absent in their L1 speech processing when they process English speech as English listeners do.

    To unveil Japanese listeners' speech processing relevant to place assimilation, two monitoring experiments are planned and one of them is on the way. Experiment 1 is prepared in order to explore Japanese listeners' speech processing in Japanese. The data yielded so far show that there is an anticipatory effect in a viable context. Experiment 2 is designed to investigate Japanese listeners’ L2 processing, especially the question of whether they could use the compensatory strategy as English speakers do, but it is still under development.


    第15回 2012.3.26 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    1. 青木奈律乃・中谷健太郎(甲南大学)「Process, Telicity, and Event Cancellability in Japanese: A Questionnaire Study」(Practice Talk for the Spring Forum, ELSJ)

    "Process, Telicity, and Event Cancellability in Japanese: A Questionnaire Study"

    It is known that the telic events in Japanese transitive verbs can often be cancelled, as in an example like moyasi-ta-kedo moe-nakat-ta 'I burnt it but it didn't burn.' (Ikegami, 1985; Kageyama, 1996; Tsujimura, 2003; etc.). By examining such a phenomenon, Tsujimura (2003) argues that the result states of Japanese transitive verbs, especially the ones that alternates with intransitive inchoative counterparts, are not lexically encoded, but rather conversationally implicated.

    Questions, however, remain. First, Tsujimura (2003) points out that "speakers' judgments may vary"; then one can ask if the "cancellability" phenomenon pointed out in the literature is real. Second, the cancellability judgments seem to vary with the choice of the object NP of the transitive verb (cf. Ikegami, 1985), although the reason behind this has not been fully explicated. Finally, Tsujimura (1993) states that the cancellability phenomenon is "particularly common with transitive and intransitive verb pairs that enter into the causative alternation." However, no empirical evidence is provided by her or by other researchers as far as we know.

    We addressed these issues through a questionnaire study, where participants were asked to judge the acceptability of cancellation. Our results show that the process component is crucial in determining the acceptability of cancellation: (i) the cancellability of alternating transitive verbs varied according to the strength of the process component; (ii) the main effect of the achievement vs. accomplishment factor and the attested influences from direct objects also point to the same conclusion; (iii) the distinction between alternating verbs and non-alternating ones does not seem important, whereas the existence of the process component does.

    第14回 2012.1.21 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    小泉有紀子(山形大学)「Influence of information structure and prosody on the processing of scope ambiguity: The case of 'not-because' sentences in English and beyond」

    The present talk investigates on the role of non-syntactic factors in sentence processing with attention to the question of how prosody and pragmatics can affect the comprehension of not-because sentences in English (e.g. Jane didn't purchase the blouse because it was silk), scopally ambiguous between BEC>NOT (Jane did not buy it) and NOT>BEC (Jane bought it for some other reason) readings. Frazier and Clifton's (1996) reading experiment had found a strong dispreference for NOT>BEC, which could be attributed to high attachment of the because-clause outside the scope of negation. This result is in conflict with an otherwise very general processing tendency to attach incoming constituents low.

    The present study was designed to evaluate the possibility that no adjustment of the parsing model is necessitated, because the NOT>BEC reading has marked prosodic and pragmatic properties which would not be anticipated by the parser without substantial contextual support. In two self-paced reading experiments, disambiguated target constructions were presented either as main clauses or embedded in if-clauses. If-subordination was hypothesized to neutralize the marked prosodic and pragmatic properties of NOT>BEC by (a) suppressing a prosodic boundary before because and (b) reducing perceived 'incompleteness' by guaranteeing that another clause would follow.

    In Experiment 1, significantly slower processing occurred for NOT>BEC than BEC>NOT targets in main clauses, replicating previous results, but no processing time difference was evident when the not-because construction was embedded within an if-clause. Experiment 2 followed to separate the two factors, assessing the contribution of prosody alone. All details of Experiment 1 were maintained constant except that the not-because construction displayed on a single line in Experiment 1 was now distributed over two lines. The line-break inserted before because was expected to encourage a prosodic break there, due to readers' tendency to interpret visual display segmentations as prosodic breaks, thus favoring BEC>NOT. The reading time data confirmed this, showing no sign of the if-subordination amelioration observed in Experiment 1 (BEC>NOT was processed faster across the board: no Scope x Clause Type interaction was found). Thus, Experiment 2 confirms that prosody is a crucial contributor to the usual difficulty of NOT>BEC.

    A general conclusion drawn from these results is that standard parsing strategies are not falsified by not-because, but may be overridden by its unusual linguistic properties. Time permitted, the talk will discuss some of the remaining issues and future directions of the project and invite feedback especially for the equivalent cases in Japanese.

    第13回 2011.12.4 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)
    祐伯 敦史(立命館大) 「日本語照応表現『彼』と『自分自身』の オンライン言語処理に関する心理言語学的研究」
    第12回 2011.11.19 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)
    田中幹大(昭和大学)「What is structural priming? An introductory review」

    Recently, the phenomenon called structural priming - a tendency to repeat their own and each other's linguistic choices in production - has been intensively investigated in the study of language production (Bock, 1986; Pickering and Ferreira, 2008). In this talk, I discuss the extensive evidence for such priming and what it can tell us about the model of language production. Furthermore, I highlight two issues which can be investigated by a structural priming method - bilingual production (Hartsuiker et al., 2004) and the nature of syntactic theory (Bock, Loebel and Morey, 1992).

    第11回 2011.10.15 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)
    池本 優「文脈における派生語の処理:日本語使役動詞の研究」

     日本語の使役動詞には語彙的使役と-させ使役があり(e.g. 並べる vs. 並ばせる)、両者は異なった意味と統語構造を持っている。語彙的使役は使役者から被使役者へ直接的に働きかける意味を持っているのに対し、-させ使役は間接的に働きかける意味を持っている。また、語彙的使役は単文構造であるのに対し、-させ使役は埋め込み構造である。このような意味と統語構造の違いが使役動詞の処理過程においてどのようにかを語彙的使役が好まれる文脈と-させ使役が好まれる文を作り、眼球運動測定実験を用いて調べた。

    第10回 2011.9.9 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)
    1. 松井理直(大阪保健医療大学)「言語理解の実時間処理について--音声処理過程を中心に」
    2. 小泉政利(東北大学)「カクチケル語の文理解と文産出」



    (1) 聴覚系における音声処理について:聴覚情景処理および難聴における音声知覚を例に
    (2) モーラ・音節構造の処理と心的辞書について:特殊拍知覚を例に
    (3) 韻律構造と統語構造のマッピングについて:曖昧性を持つ疑問文理解を例に
    (4) 意味処理の影響について:ある種の袋小路文を例に
    (5) まとめ:言語理解の計算理論・アルゴリズム・ハードウェアと失語症


    日本語や英語など多くの言語の理解や産出の際に、主語(S)が目的語(O)に先行する語順(SO語順= SOV, SVO, VSO)のほうが、主語が目的語に後続する語順(OS 語順= OSV,OVS,VOS)よりも処理負荷が低く母語話者に好まれる傾向があることが知られています(SO語順選好)。しかし、従来の文処理研究は全て日本語のようにSO語順を基本語順にもつSO型言語を対象にしているため、SO語順選好が個別言語の基本語順を反映したものなのか、あるいは人間のより普遍的な認知特性を反映したものなのかが分かりません。この2つの要因の影響を峻別するためにはOS語順を基本語順に持つOS 型言語で検証を行う必要があります。そこで、私達は昨年からVOS語順を基本語順にもつカクチケル語(中米グアテマラで話されているマヤ諸語のひとつ)の文処理メカニズムを探る研究を始めました。


    第9回 2011.7.9 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)
    小畑美貴(三重大学)「Featural Analysis and Short-Term Memory Retrieval in On-Line Parsing」

    Abstract: The rapid and incremental processing of linguistic input imposes a functional requirement for a working memory of the partially structured and interpreted input heard or seen thus far. How these working memory functions are realized, and how they are constrained, remain central issues in psycholinguistic theory. We present here new empirical results from an on-line reading task that provide clear evidence for intra-sentential proactive interference that is sensitive to the overlap of syntactic features, but not phonological features.

    2011.6.11 関西言語学会 第36回大会(於 大阪府立大学)10:00-12:00
    ワークショップ「ことばの実験研究の実際 ---関西における心理言語学研究の萌芽に向けて---」


    1. 小野 創  (近畿大学) 35分
      • ことばの実験研究へようこそ! + かき混ぜ文の産出
      • 文完成課題
    2. 中野陽子  (関西学院大学) 30分
      • 何もないのになぜわかる! + かき混ぜ文の処理
      • 交互様相語彙性判断課題
    3. 中谷健太郎 (甲南大学) 30分
      • 読むだけで何かがわかる! + 授与構文
      • 自己ペース読文課題 + 事象関連電位

    2011.5.28 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)


    第8回 2011.4.9 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    片岡元・中谷健太郎(甲南大学)「The Effects of a Pragmatic Factor in the Processing of Japanese Benefactive Constructions」(Practice talk)

    第7回 2011.3.5 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)
    第6回 2011.1.29 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)
    菅原真理子(同志社大学)「Perception of English stress: English native listeners vs. Japanese listeners」
    第5回 2010.10.16 (甲南大学 岡本キャンパス)
    1. 小野創(近畿大)・中谷健太郎(甲南大)「日本語の疑問詞の実時間処理について 〜どのような構造的要因が処理負荷につながるのか〜」
    2. 于一楽(神戸大・院生)「動作主目的語と対象主語の具現化について」【KLP】
    第4回 2010.9.14 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)
    第3回 2010.7.24 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)
    第2回 2010.6.19 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)
    1. 中谷健太郎(甲南大学)「文処理研究における代表的な実験方法の紹介(ごく簡単に)」
    2. 片岡元(甲南大学・学生)「Mazuka and Itoh (1995)に見る日本語処理の諸問題」
    第1回 2010.5.15 (関西学院大学 梅田サテライトキャンパス)

    この研究会の名前について:「関西心理言語学研究会」というのはすぐに決まったのですが、問題は英語名で、最初は「Kansai Psycholinguistic Circle」にしようと言うことでした。しかし、略称「KPC」が微妙に言いづらい(Velar-Labial-Alveolarだから?)と不評だったので、「KCP」(Velar-Alveolar-Labial)に変えました。「Kansai Circle of Psycholinguistics」ってなんかゴロが悪いな、と思わないでもないんですが、神戸松蔭のKACL(Kobe Area Circle of Linguistics)の例もあるし、「地名 Circle of 分野」でもまあおかしくはないはず、と。もっとも「KCP」は、ぼくも参加させていただいている「KLP」(関西レキシコンプロジェクト)と紛らわしいと、かみさんには文句を言われます。しかもK*Pの並びで「K」の意味は同じなのに、「P」の意味が違うという。他にもKLS(関西言語学会)があったり、関西圏の組織は名前が似ているので覚えるのが大変ですね。え? KCPごときをKLSやKLPと同列に並べるなって? 失礼いたしました。