Cultivating the Basics and Applied Skills in Biology

The Biology Program was established in 1964 and, based on that tradition, today conducts creative and cutting-edge research that incorporates new ideas and techniques in the field of Life Science. Research is divided into 9 fields covering everything from material, cellular, individual and ecological biology to the time-transcending topic of evolution. In each of these fields, we have developed instruction and research that not only focuses on the basics but also takes applied studies into consideration.

Basic Educational Policies for the Konan University Graduate School of Natural Science’s Biology Program (Master’s Program)

Study in a Comprehensive Research Environment

With equipment and facilities carrying the latest DNA sequencers, confocal laser scanning microscopes, a P2 level laboratory for genetic recombination and more, we have constructed an environment that can support all types of experimental research. Here, students carry out comprehensive research and, upon graduating, go on to work in a wide range of fields such as corporate R&D, factory management and MR for pharmaceutical companies.

Master’s Program

Developmental Biology

Studies on development and evolution of the nervous system and sensory organs

Investigator Subject of Research
KUSAKABE, Takehiro

Lab Home Page
1) Cell-fate specification, cell differentiation, and gene regulation in the central nervous system
2) Connectome and function of the nervous system of the ascidian larva
3) Development and evolution of photoreceptors
4) Evolution of gene regulation and development in chordates

Phylogeny, taxonomy and ecology of protists

Investigator Subject of Research
HONDA, Daiske 1) Phylogeny and taxonomy of protists
2) Ecological role of protists in the marine environment
3) Morphology and function of cell organelles
Plant Biochemistry

Studies on metabolism and function of sphingolipids in plants

Investigator Subject of Research
IMAI, Hiroyuki 1) Sphingolipid profiles in plants: analysis of sphingolipid molecular species using LC-MS/MS
2) Physiological functions of sphingolipid metabolism in plants
3) Characterization of enzymes involved in synthesis and degradation of sphingolipids in plants.
Molecular Cell Biology

Molecular mechanisms for germ cell formation in animals

Investigator Subject of Research
MUKAI, Masanori Research in our laboratory focuses on the molecular biology of germ cells. Germline cells are critical for transmitting genetic information into in the next generation in many animals. We use fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, to investigate the molecular mechanisms and epigenetic mechanisms, how germline specific genes are activated in primordial germ cells. We also study the mechanisms about the interactions between the somatic cell and germ cells, which regulate germ cell differentiation and meiosis in Drosophila ovaries.
Biochemistry, Protein Science

Studies on mechanisms of molecular chaperones

Investigator Subject of Research
WATANABE, Yo-hei 1) Molecular mechanism of ClpB disaggregase
2) Structual properties of aggregated proteins
3) Development of systems monitoring protein synthesis and folding
4) Exploring new molecular chaperones
Molecular and Cellular Regulation

Molecular mechanism for temperature sensation and memory in nervous system

Investigator Subject of Research
KUHARA, Atsushi Our final goal is elucidation of brain mechanism. How do genes acting in the neural circuitry generate environmental response? How do brains function during sensation and memory? We are addressing these important issues by using temperature responses of simple model animal, nematode C. elegans. We aim to elucidate the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which animals (1) sense temperature; (2) memory temperature.

Studies on cellular responses to environment and cell cycle regulations using the fission yeast, S. pombe, as a model

Investigator Subject of Research
TAKEDA, Kojiro 1) Ubiquitin dependent proteolysis
2) Mitochondrial function and maintenance
3) Regulation of cellular proliferation

Studies on the reproductive biology of social Hymenoptera

Investigator Subject of Research
GOTOH, Ayako 1) Mechanisms of long-term sperm storage in ant queens
2) Evolution of the spermatheca morphology and function in social Hymenoptera
3) Evolution and development of caste dimorphism in social Hymenoptera
4) Ecology of ants
Plant Cell Biology

Endomembrane- and cytoskeleton-mediated environmental responses in plants

Investigator Subject of Research
UEDA, Haruko Plants have evolved the endomembrane-mediated strategies against environmental stimuli. Specific aims of our studies are:
1) to disclose the organ straightening mechanism in response to mechanical stresses
2) to disclose the quality control mechanism of the ER membrane in response to environmental stimuli

Class Subjects of Master's Biology Program (The Master's Program in fiscal 2015 students)

  Class subjects Credits Required credits
Specialized subjects Compulsory Seminar in Physical ResearchⅠ 2 ・Specialized subjects : 16 credits
・Select compulsory A : more than 2 credis
・Select compulsory B : more than 2 credis
(It must acquire more than a total of 30 credits)
Seminar in Physical ResearchⅡ 2
Seminar in Physical ResearchⅢ 12
Select compulsory A Solid State Physics Ⅱ 2
Special Lecture on Nuclear Astrophysics 2
Topics in Astronomy 2
Special Lecture on PhysicsⅠ 2
Special Lecture on PhysicsⅡ 2
Select compulsory B Quantum Electronics 2
Electronic Properties of Materials 2
Physics of correlated electrons 2
Special Lecture on PhysicsⅢ 2
Special Lecture on PhysicsⅣ 2
Basic subjects Select compulsory C Topics in Quantum Mechanics A 2
Topics in Quantum Mechanics B 2
Solid State Physics 2
Physics of semiconductor materials 2
Topics in AstrophysicsⅠ 2
special lecture on nuclear physics 2
Astronomy 2
English for science and technology 2
Science literacy 2
Common subjects Intellectual Property Law 2

Class subjects of Doctoral Physics Program (The Doctoral Program in fiscal 2010 and later entering students)

  Class subjects Credits Required credits
Specialized subjects Compulsory Seminar in Biological ResearchⅠ 2 ・Compulsory : 20 credits
・Select compulsory : more than 14 credis
(It must acquire more than a total of 34 credits)
Seminar in Biological ResearchⅡ 2
Thesis Research in Biology 16
Select compulsory Advanced Biochemistry 2
Molecular and Cellular Regulation 2
Plant Physiology 2
Molecular GeneticsⅠ 2
Molecular GeneticsⅡ 2
Topics in Biodiversity 2
Molecular Developmental Biology 2
Topics in Plant Physiology 2
Evolutionary Biology 2
Basic subjects Topics in Organic ChemistryⅠ 2
Topics in Organic ChemistryⅡ 2
Topics in Polymer ChemistryⅠ 2
Special Lecture on BiologyⅠ 2
Special Lecture on BiologyⅡ 2
Special Lecture on BiologyⅢ 2
Special Lecture on BiologyⅣ 2
English for science and technology 2
Common subjects Select Intellectual Property Law 2