Joint Research, Scientific Research Grants, etc.
Along with participating in various joint research programs, the faculty of the Graduate School of Natural Science actively acquires grants for scientific research. Examples of these are given below.
- - Study of a microwave observation using large-sized Cherenkov telescopes
- - Study of origin of gamma-ray bursts with multi-dimensional relativistic radiation hydrodynmanics and nucleosynthesis calculations
- - Detection of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Ray using Radio Telescopes
- - Control of non-equilibrium nanocrystal growth by two pulsed excitation processes
- - Strongly spin-orbit coupled electronic structures studied by momentum-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
- - Study of primodial star formation by radiation hydrodynamics
- - The electronic states originated from structual defects in single-walled carbon nanotubes
Chemistry(Including Life and Functional Material Science)
- - Structural characterization of surface-modified cathode materials for all-solid-state batteries using electron diffraction
- - Development of supramolecular peapod polymers composed of spiroborate-type molecular connecting modules
- - Stimuli-responsive and spontaneously-forming hydrogel for wound dressing DDS
- - Development and improvement of boron-selective separation methods using multi-functional resins
- - Basic studies on single ion activity measurements in concentrated electrolyte solution and application to the precise pH measurements for sea water acidification
Biology(Including Life and Functional Material Science)
- - Mechanisms of the disaggregation reaction by the ring shaped AAA+ chaperone
- - Development of isolating methods and taxonomical rearrangement of labyrinthulomycete organisms
- - Physiological roles of novel populations of GnRH neurons in the hindbrain, spinal cord, and retina」
- - Temperature sensing by pheromone sensing-neuron and discrimination of these signaling
- - Trimetric G protein-coupled temperature sensation in ASJ sensoryneuron of C. elegans」
- - Temperature acclimation system through photo-sensoryneuron that senses temperature
- - Studies on the role of microRNAs in development of retinal photoreceptor cell subtypes
- - Molecular neural mechanism underlying memory in temperature acclimation
- - Development of the real time monitoring systems for emerging and folding of nascent chains
- - Temperature acclimation memory that is regulated between neuron and multiple tissues
- - Molecular physiological system for habituation to low temperature condition
- - Studies on the gene regulatory networks underlying cell-type specification in the chordate nervous system
- - Studies on spatial controlling mechanisms of the proteasome
Intelligent Systems and Informatics
- - Construction of immersive design support system using substitutional reality technology
- - Development of voice training method using visual feedback offacial skin surface vibration pattern
- - Task-oriented intelligent environment based on ambient information obtained by simplified measurement methods
- - Studies on physical bases of variety of voice quality based on averaged vocal tract model
- - Studies on auto-generation of exercises for learning programming language in flipped classroom
- - Spatio-temporal text mining based on real-time information retrieval
- - A study on the analysis of behaviors by speaker and listeners in lectures