Learning Utility Center for Konan University Students
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Learning Utility Center for Konan University Students
Learning Utility Center for Konan University Students
Supporting Education with Information Technology and Individual Learning Assistance
In April 2015, the Education and Research Center for Information Science completed its mission after 19 years of service as an information technology educational training center to help students develop information literacy. In the same year, it was reorganized as the new Learning Utility Center for Konan University Students(LUCKS). The center provides basic information technology training and a progressive learning-supportive education system. LUCKS makes it possible for faculty to offer attractive and highquality classes and for students to design their learning styles. LUCKS also provides guidance on effectively utilizing learning commons and incorporating instructional strategies such as the flipped classroom to enhance interactive learning.
LUCKS consistently makes various efforts to support students' active learning, placing a particular focus on dispatching peer supporters called Learning Assistants (LA) to classes. By creating a positive synergistic effect through interaction among students in education, the center enhances personalized education to prepare students for today’s society.
As for the future direction of education, the center recognizes that it is essential to promote better learning for students by combining face-to-face courses and online courses to create new and effective personalized education. To make advances in this area, the center actively supports online education called Web classes and conducts Institutional Research (IR) to accurately grasp the current state of education at Konan University and to obtain measures for better education.
Name | Title | Field of Research | Subject of Research |
UMEMOTO, Yoshimasa | Professor | Securities Regulations | Enforcement of Insider Trading law Asymmetric Information in Financial Markets |
SHINODA,Yuji | lecturer | e-learning system | 1) Modeling of the students' scenario on e-Learning courses. 2) Development of a mathematical formula scoring system. |