Creating leaders on the cutting edge of the economic world Cultivating scholarship and practical ability that can be utilized worldwide

The Faculty of Business Administration focuses on the behavior of corporations and sheds light on the mechanisms of the economy and organizations while conducting applied research. Our Management, Accounting, and Commerce courses respond to the needs of contemporary society and the knowledge and skills learned there can be applied in Japan and around the world, keeping pace with the globalization of corporate activities. Furthermore, through internships, volunteer activities and overseas study trips, our faculty aims to cultivate people who possess a rich sense of ethics and a humanistic outlook. Finally, all of our students participate in small classes with teachers offering meticulous guidance so that they can enhance their individuality and become business leaders of the 21st century.

Faculty member

Name Title Field of Research Subject of Research
NISHIMURA, Junji Professor Marketing, Distributive Channel System, Science of Commerce Study of dynamism in Japanese distribution system.
IKEDA, Koji Professor IT Auditing Theoretical and Empirical Research on IT Auditing.
SHRESTHA, Manoj Lal Professor Strategic Management, Policy Studies and International Economics Strategic Management and Policy Studies Focusing Innovation and Intellectual Property Management.
OTSUKA, Haruyuki Professor Financial Economics Optimal capital structure and business fluctuations under asymmetric information.
BABA, Taiji Professor Business Management and Financial Management Corporate Governance and Financial Policy of Japanese Firms.
NAITO, Fumio Professor Auditing, Financial Accounting Research on a Theoretical Framework of Audit/Accounting Standards and Study on the Disclosure and Assurance Services of Business Risk Information.
KUBOTA, Hideki Professor Financial Accounting Comparative Study of Accounting Regulations Reform between Japan and Germany, History of Accounting Regulations in Japan.
SUGIYAMA, Yoshihiro Professor Management Accounting Empirical studies on management accounting system.
MIKAMI, Kazuhiko Professor Game Theory, Decision Analysis Study on coalition formation in n-person bargaining. Decision theory in insurance markets.
FURUTA, Miho Professor Tax Accounting Study of tax incentives and corporate activities.
OKUNO, Akiko Professor Business Administration / Human Resource Management The Performance Evaluation System of the Returner from Maternity Leave.
OGATA, Mamiya Professor Organization Theory, Business Management and Organizational Behavior Organizational socialization of young workers and organizational socialization tactics.
ITO, Kimikazu Professor Auditing Study on negotiation between auditors and managers.
KITAI, Akira Professor Organizational Behavior, Organizational Development Study of dialogic organizational development, solution-focused approach, and relationships between pop culture and management.
YAMAGUCH, Satoru Professor Corporate Finance Corporate payout policy and cash holdings.
SAKURADA, Ryoko Professor Organizational Structure, Human Resource Management and Career Studies on career management and development in organizational change.
TAKAMURO, Hiroshi Professor Marketing Management Study of services marketing and service management.
FUJITA, Junya Professor International Management Studies of managerial problems caused by internationalization of business enterprises.
HIRANO, Kyohei Professor Business History Historical Research on Business and Management.
SATO, Kei Associate Professor Consumer Behavior Study of consumer psychology using machine learning and unstructured data.
OGASAWARA, Toru Associate Professor Cost Accounting Analysis of business model by using accounting data.
MOCHIZUKI, Toru Specially Appointed Professor Regional and Tourism Management Research on Valuation of Regions,Regional Revitalization, Community Activation.
NANCHI, Nobuaki Specially Appointed Professor Finance, Management of Financial Institution, Tourism, Pilgrimage, Experience Value Theoretical and Empirical Research on the Economic Value and Regional Encouragement.