Fostering young adults who can combine a legal mentality with practical ability to become leaders in society

The kind of society that we aim to establish in the 21st century is one where you are allowed to live the way you wish to in the home, school, workplace and local region regardless of age, sex, nationality or disabilities, that is to say a secure society. Moreover, as has become evident from the introduction of a jury system, each and every individual is now required to have some sort of relationship with legislation and the administration of justice in the 21st century.

In order to achieve these goals, the Faculty of Law has designed a curriculum where students can master the fundamentals of law and political science by accumulative and repeated learning. Classes where true understanding can be easily achieved are conducted by our professors.

Freshmen and sophomores study the fundamentals of the Constitution, civil law and criminal law. Then, on the basis of what they have learned, they move on as juniors and seniors to major in the subject of their choice to continue studying at the Law School or to pave the way to their careers as civil servants, employees at private corporations, or workers at social welfare organizations. Freshmen and sophomores are offered advanced seminars that help to prepare them for admission exams to law school or for the national bar exam.

Students are offered ample opportunities to examine and broaden their personal academic achievements through practical learning of the law and politics, including lectures delivered by police officers, prosecutors, administrators of justice, reformists, and civil servants from various fields, as well as through experiences teaching high school students about the law through mock courts organized by the university students themselves.

The Faculty of Law places emphasis on training students to possess a rich legal mind and the practical ability necessary in any workplace, industrial sphere, home or regional society.

Faculty member

Name Title Field of Research Subject of Research
YAMADA, Junko Professor Corporate Law Duties of Directors in Corporate Groups
TOSA HAMATANI, kazuo Professor Economic Law included Japanese Antimonopoly Act Collusion and unilateral conducts of digital platform under competition laws, Environmental justification on competition laws and Consumer protection in Japanese law
NAKAI, Itsuko Professor International Law Development of the "Law" of the International Protection of Human Rights
KIM, Moonsook Professor International Private law CISG and International Private law
YAMAMOTO, Machiko Professor Corporate Law, Securities Regulation The Nature of Company and the Role of Securities Market in Law
IKEDA, Yoshitaka Professor International Relations Comparative study of regionalism in Europe
KUWAOKA, Kazuhisa Professor Vertragsrecht Selbstbestimmung und Selbstveranwortung im Vertrag
SUMITA, Hideho Professor Civil Law Law of Damages
SAKAGAMI, Machiko Professor European Legal History Italian legal history, History of medieval roman law
KANAMARU, Yoshihira Professor Civil Law Law of Dameges, Damege and Compensatory Damages
TANAKA, Makoto Professor Civil Procedure Defense of set-off in the Action and the ADR
SAKURAI, Tomoaki Professor Constitutional Law Theories of Constitutional Rights
OKAMORI, Shiaki Professor Administrative Law, Enviromental Law Enviromental Lawsuit in France
SASAKURA, Kana Professor Criminal Procedure Law Public trial, its limits and media coverage of courtrooms
OBATA, Shuntaro Professor History of Western Political Thought Classical Utilitarianism in the History of Political Thought
HAYASE, Katsuaki Professor Constitutional Law Basic theory of the constitution
OHARA, Hiroyuki Professor History of Japanese Political Thought Examination of the characteristics and problems of Japanese politics
MATSUBARA, Hideyo Professor Criminology Learning how to do research with criminology
SHINOHARA, Noriaki Professor Constitutional Law Constitutional theory analysis
TAKEUCHI Kengo Professor Criminal Law Theory of Norms, Conspiracy, Incitement and Theories of Punishment
MORINAGA, Masatsuna Associate Professor Criminal Law Self-defense, Necessity, Consent and Terrorism
HIRANO, Junichi Associate Professor Political Science Japanese Mayoral Election
HASHIGUCHI, Yusuke Associate Professor Civil Law Contract Law, Tort Law, Family Law
MITANI, Soichiro Associate Professor Public Administration Political process analysis
MASUZAWA, Aya Lecturer Civil Law Law of Torts, Family Law