Take up the Interdisciplinary Study of Chemistry and Biology

While on the one hand the theories and techniques for specialized fields of science and technology are becoming increasingly subdivided, on the other, there is a rapidly growing trend for integration, interdisciplinary research and cross-disciplinary exploration. In order to respond actively to these academic changes, this program, based around the Master’s Programs for chemistry and biology, was established in 1990 with the objective of expanding and developing the coordinated interdisciplinary study between the fields of chemistry and biology.

Cultivating Graduates Who Possess Creativity, Advanced Learning and Exceptional Skills

Currently, we have established 4 fields of research and, along with promoting cutting-edge studies, have made it our educational objective to cultivate graduates who, based on the results of their research, acquire a deep sense of creativity, advanced learning and exceptional technical skills.

Features of the Life and Functional Material Science Program

Basic Educational Policies for the Konan University Graduate School of Natural Science’s Life and Functional Material Science Program (Doctoral Program)

Doctoral Program

Department of Life and Functional Material Science (Doctoral Program)
Life and Functional Material Science
This Doctoral degree program is an outgrowth of the Master's degree programs in chemistry and biology.
Involving an advanced interdisciplinary curriculum, the program covers five areas of research studies.

Research Field Investigator Subject of Research
Environmental and Resources Chemistry KIMOTO, Atsushi (Prof.) To solve the environmental and resource problems, the basic chemical methods are investigated by exploring sustainable functional materials.
DANJO, Hiroshi (Prof.)
CHAYAMA, Kenji (Prof. Dr.)
NAITO, Muneyuki (Assoc. Prof.)
YAMAMOTO, Masahiro (Prof.)
Energy Chemistry IKEDA, Shigeru (Prof.) To solve the energy problems, the basic chemical methods are investigated by exploring storage, energy-conversion functional materials.
IWATSUKI, Satoshi (Prof.)
KATAGIRI, Kosuke (Assoc. Prof.)
MACHIDA, Nobuya M (Prof.)
MURAKAMI, Ryo (Assoc. Prof.)
WATANABE, Junji (Prof.)
Molecular Biosciences KUSAKABE, Takehiro (Prof.) Studies on how the processes defined by the genomic information orchestrate assembly and function of macromolecules to confer properties unique to "life", including evolutionary aspects.
HONDA, Daiske (Prof.)
WATANABE, Yo-hei (Prof.)
KUHARA, Atsushi (Prof.)
Cellular Biosciences IMAI, Hiroyuki (Prof.) Physiological and biochemical studies to understand how biological information is expressed, recognized and processed in cells and tissues based on mechanisms of metabolic control and structure and function of biologically active substances.
MUKAI, Masanori (Prof.)
TAKEDA, Kojiro (Assoc. Prof.)
GOTOH, Ayako (Assoc. Prof.)
UEDA, Haruko (Assoc. Prof.)

Class Subjects of Doctoral Life and Functional Material Science Program (The Doctoral Program in fiscal 2009 and later entering students)

  Class subjects Credits Required credits
Compulsory Seminar Life_Functional Materials Sci. 1 2

・Compulsory : 6 credits
・Select compulsory A : more than 2 credis
・Select compulsory B : more than 2 credis
(It must acquire more than a total of 34 credits)

Seminar Life_Functional Materials Sci. 2 2
Seminar Life_Functional Materials Sci. 3 2
Select compulsory A Lec. on Life_Functional Materials Sci. 1 2
Lec. on Life_Functional Materials Sci. 2 2
Lec. on Life_Functional Materials Sci. 3 2
Select compulsory B Colloq. in Environmental Materials Sci. 2
Colloquium in Energy Science 2
Colloquium in Molecular Biology 2
Colloquium in Physiological Biochemistry 2