月別アーカイブ: 2019年6月

2019年度 第1回ブックハンティングツアーを行いました!

2019年6月7日(金)、丸善&ジュンク堂書店 梅田店において、学生と図書館職員によりブックハンティングツアーを行いました。当日は、図書館に置きたい本を書棚から選び、ハンディーターミナルを使って裏表紙に記載されたISBN(バーコード)をスキャンして選書を行いました。




**文学部 金澤 舞奈さん**





 KONANプレミア・プロジェクト(ぶんたす)で、今年10月にイスラエルの作家・映画監督のエトガル・ケレット(Etgar Keret)・映画監督・女優のシーラ・ゲフェン(Shira Geffen)夫妻を甲南大学へ招聘する予定(※1)ですが、それに先立って7月4日(木)に、映画「Etgar Keret-based on a true story-」試写会が開催(※2)されます。
 コーナーには秋元先生(文学部英語英米文学科教授)が翻訳を手がけられた『あの素晴らしき七年』を始めとしたエトガル・ケレット氏の著書だけでなく、『あの素晴らしき七年』 の書評 (※3) を執筆された作家・西加奈子さんの著書も並べております。

あの素晴らしき七年 / エトガル・ケレット著 ; 秋元孝文訳

※1 エトガル・ケレット&シーラ・ゲフェン 2019来日サイト on Strikingly

※2 【文学部】映画「Etgar Keret-based on a true story-」試写会開催について<7/4>

※3 エトガル・ケレット、秋元孝文/訳 『あの素晴らしき七年』 | 新潮社

国際言語文化センター 林 修三先生へのインタビュー

文学部 2年生 友江 輝人さんが、国際言語文化センター 林 修三先生にインタビューを行いました。(KONAN ライブラリ サーティフィケイト)












浅田次郎『蒼穹の昴』(講談社) / クリシュナムルティ『クリシュナムルティの日記』

細川護煕『ことばを旅する』(文藝春秋) / 筑紫哲也『旅の途中』(朝日文庫) / 真崎守『老子』(徳間書店)





<林 修三先生おすすめの本>
浅田次郎著  『蒼穹の昴』 講談社,1996年


(インタビュアー:文学部 2年 友江 輝人)

マネジメント創造学部 Roger Palmer先生へのインタビュー

マネジメント創造学部 西田遥葵さんが、マネジメント創造学部 Roger Palmer先生に
インタビューを行いました。(KONAN ライブラリ サーティフィケイト)

Q1: What kind of books do you read usually?

A1: Recently, I’ve been reading a lot of historical books and also historical fiction. And it’s funny I didn’t used to read historical fiction I used to read just historical
works. But I quite enjoy them. I was just reading one about this week Ancient Rome. Obviously, the difference between historical fiction and history is that they
usually invent some of the characters and describe the family lives and day to day events but they basic on actual historical facts. Of course it would be difficult to
accurately reproduce a work of history make it interesting as concerned Rome 2000 years ago. Because we don’t know clearly how people live every day we can
imagine but we don’t know what the emperor said to his wife or his children like kind of staffs. So the idea of historical fiction is it fills in those gaps as an active
imagination by the writer.
I also read one about the Second World War, historical works about D-Day Landing. Again I’ve read historical works about D-Day Landings but I’ve also been
reading some historical fiction based on D-Day Landings. It was when 1944 June when the arrive forces set sail from South of England and they landed in Normandy.
And they had to find the way on the beaches because France was occupied by Germans. So they fought the way down down down and they swept around the Paris.
Finally through Belgium…that was the end of the war. Like this, I’ve been reading several books and I’ve read both, historical books and historical fiction.

Q2: What kind of books did you read when you were university student?

A: Historical works. Because I read history university. My first degree is European history. I read hundreds possibly thousands of historical books because I read
history every day. The way of teaching is entirely different in U.K. and Japan. Until about the age of 16, it’s separated language and literature class. Literature means
we must read books not a textbook, like novels whatever. History books and literature is next to each other actually.

Q3: Do you have any recommend book for student?

A3: Recommend a book to non-reading people, who has no reading habit is definitely different to people reading a lot of books. So read a whole books, don’t read part
of the texts. Whatever it is, it must whole text. If you just read textbooks, you will lost the background what the reader intend it and has a lot of damage. How about
‘Harry Potter’? First you read in Japanese and next read in English. It will easier to read whole books. As I said, it doesn’t matter nonfiction or fiction, read a whole
books and don’t read part of the texts.
I read historical fiction and historical books too. But I don’t read a lot about war and don’t know anything about D-Day Landing. After this interview, I have interest
to it and try to find an easy books for me. So through this interview, I think my point of view is wider than before.


(インタビュアー:マネジメント創造学部 西田遥葵)

マネジメント創造学部 Ryan Richardson先生へのインタビュー

マネジメント創造学部 西田遥葵さんが、マネジメント創造学部 Ryan Richardson先生に
インタビューを行いました。(KONAN ライブラリ サーティフィケイト)

Q1: What kind of books do you like to read?

A1: That’s really difficult. Because I enjoy reading mystery novels but my favourite book is not a mystery and mostly I don’t read mystery. Mostly I read history, I really enjoy history also but I think one I enjoy the most is mystery novels. So my favourite style of book is mystery novels but I don’t read them often. I usually read history books and other kinds of non-fiction books. I rarely read fiction but my favourite book is fiction.

Q2:What kind of books did you read when you were university student?

A2. Mostly I read textbooks. I did six majors so mostly I was reading any kind of textbooks. Classes I didn’t take I would buy used books for. During a holiday I read textbooks on other subjects that I wasn’t studying like sociology. I didn’t have time to take so many sociology classes so I would get a textbook for a class but I wouldn’t take the class I just read a books during summer holiday and winter holiday.When I was a university student, I mostly read history, philosophy, sociology sometimes psychology textbooks.
Also I always tried to read at least one classic novel of literature. So I would read other classic stories, French authors Russian authors and Shakespeare or something like that. That was my free time reading. I  was try to read at least one classic book and few textbooks every holiday. During a school year, I didn’t read anything outside of class. Because I was doing my history and philosophy majors had a lot of reading. I usually didn’t read for a pleasure during a school year. Usually at that time I read some kind of modern fiction but also good literature. For discussion of modern books so I tried to read those on holiday because my feeling is always that many students and teachers have better range of reading than I did. So I always thought that if I just read a lot of good materials then I would catch up to other students. Little bit disadvantage for me when I was doing 6 majors all the time. Some students doing only one major and they had a lot of time to read one major, they were studying only that so their knowledge is wider than mine I felt. So I was always trying to keep up with that. By the time I finished university, I was pretty good at discussing important literature, subjects specific literature and modern literature because I worked very hard.

Q3: Do you have any recommend book for students?

A3: My idea is that students should read what they are interested in but the best of what they are interested in. I think every student should probably read good history. Because history helps with everything. If you study business you need to really understand business history. It helps you to make a better decision about business. If you are interested in any subjects, psychology, sociology, economics…is really helpful to have a basic understanding of the history of your interest. Even if you are interested in just sports, the history of it is really interesting and exciting sometimes, baseball history or boxing history is really really interesting for me anyway. Any kind of history as long as good history. The good history has to look at good points and bad points of a story. If they don’t tell what happened and tell what they wished happen then that’s not a good history. Only tell the one side is not a good history, that’s twisted history a little bit. You need to tell good and bad. That’s better history.The answers are probably somewhere in the middle, good history needs to tell the middle point also I think. Understanding history is really important to understanding the future. We can’t understand the future without understanding the  past. So I think I would advise to student to read history.
I often lost my way to find good history books because there are so many contradictions and confusing. But through this interview, I realize that it is important to read good points and bad points. And I think his advise is meaningful to all students who like reading and not. History sounds difficult but history is more familiar to us like sports history. I want them to read this interview and read history for life.


(インタビュアー:マネジメント創造学部 西田遥葵)

マネジメント創造学部 小嶋健太先生へのインタビュー







<小嶋健太先生おすすめの本> ジョン・マクミラン著 ; 瀧澤弘和, 木村友二訳 『市場を創る : バザールからネット取引まで 』 NTT出版,2007年