

人間科学科富樫教授の著書『Kohut's Twinship Across Cultures: The psychology of being human (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series)』がイギリス&アメリカの出版社より出版されました。

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精神分析家、ハインツ・コフートの早逝により十分に概念化されなかった双子自己対象体験・転移を徹底的に追求し、関係のプロセス、実存的苦悩、トラウマ、生きる ことの意味などの視点から、精神分析臨床の中核的意義を明らかにした書。人間らしいという体験は何か、トラウマとは何か、実存的な問いに対し、臨床家の視点から迫る。日本人の知見が海外で評価された 画期的な一冊。



At the end of his life, a psychoanalyst, Heinz, Kohut articulated the twinship experience and transference, which has become a cornerstone of self psychology.  But, it has been insufficiently conceptualized. In Kohut’s Twinship Across Cultures:  The Psychology of Being Human, Koichi Togashi, Ph.D. and Amanda Kottler, M.A. reflect on the twinship experience and develop it further. Picking up where Kohut left off, they illustrate a new and very different sensitivity to understanding psychoanalytic relational processes and ideas about human existential anguish, trauma, and the meaning of life. What does it mean to be human?  What does it mean to live in this world?  What is human anguish? They aim to get to the heart of these existential queries through the lens of relational and intersubjective psychoanalysis.
